booplouise Member


  • Chips and ice cream :) though the no dairy thing has cut my ice cream down. They cost so much I want to make sure to make the ice cream last.
  • Cheese... And the ability to get food from anywhere. Fast food is extremely limited and it's hard on my schedule. I'm hoping that I get healthier so I see the reason for the sacrifice.
  • So, I don't have a link, but I'm on pinterest and my gluten free/whole diet coworkers all tell me that is the go to place
  • Caseian unfortunately... Can't even go the goat's milk route :/
  • I tried daiya cheese and I just couldn't do it. I tried it with chicken and a corn tortilla and I threw the food away. I actually started putting cucumbers on my tacos to get a cold chewy snap thing.
  • These flourless peanut butter cookies: They are gluten free, and can be dairy free if you use dairy free chocolate chips or no chocolate chips.
  • I have fibromyalgia, a form of that that affects the bladder, mild psoriasis, and most likely collitis. I used to have hishimotos, but had a mass in my thyroid and had that removed... So. I'm just one big autoimmune disease. I was generally healthy as a kid, fat but healthy, but after major surgery for a liver issue and…
  • I have fibromyalgia, a form of that that affects the bladder, mild psoriasis, and most likely collitis. I used to have hishimotos, but had a mass in my thyroid and had that removed... So. I'm just one big autoimmune disease. I was generally healthy as a kid, fat but healthy, but after major surgery for a liver issue and…
  • I know I don't. I'm gluten, dairy, and beef intolerant with some smaller weird ones. I love my bread, cheese, and chocolates though.. So I personally don't have the willpower to go paleo. Instead I'm making more of my meals and having natural grains (like rice) or starches like potatoes and then throwing in bits and pieces…
  • Just out of safety sake... And being involved in the fetish community, as well as having a negative sub experience because I was a little naive, but this could be a very bad idea. The Dom/sub relationship should be built and molded and never follow the infatuation guide of the 50 shades show. I know a man who trained his…
  • Yeah. I tried these carob chip things from the health food store first... They supposedly taste like chocolate and are a good replacement. I call bs. Fortunately our Kroger's has a growing organic/health type section, so they had these there.
  • I think my mom has a Costco card, I can't do goat cheese, but it may be a good place to look for other low priced items.
  • Yeah. These were semisweet by a company called enjoy life. I'm not a huge dark chocolate fan, but, I'll get more accustomed to it.
  • Lol. I know that captain obvious, but this whole denying oneself of 3 very yummy things all at once is putting me Ina bit of shock, and I love having cheese on my corn tortillas with ground turkey. Oh. I also have to limit my intake on the basic lettuces, bell peppers, other toppings. Though I'm just minimizing those, not…