shannonmaines Member


  • I'm 26 and starting my journey over! Feel free to add me :)
  • I personally like Quest bars and nonfat plain Greek yogurt with a little bit of honey to sweeten it up a bit.
  • Thanks @Linda73c ! I guess I missed the rule where my 1st post couldn't be a topic-related response to a question that the OP was asking :wink:
  • It is hard when you lose motivation, but as others here have posted, start with small goals to get yourself back on track. I know personally that once I get in a funk, I need to start fresh and get myself back in the groove. I find that once I start making it a habit again, it is much easier to stick to. You can do it!
  • Take progress pictures! I started doing this because I felt the same as you do. I was losing weight on the scale but I didn't think I looked any different...that is until I compared my starting pictures to my month 3 pictures. It's crazy how much your body changes without really noticing.
  • I don't like green tea either but a friend suggested Yogi Blueberry Slim Life Green Tea. It doesn't taste like green tea to me and I really enjoy it. I get mine at Wegmans (not sure where you're located) but you can order it online.
  • This! I remember when I was training for my marathon I did a 16 miler and it was absolutely dreadful. 2 weeks later I did my 20 mile run and it was one of the best runs I ever had. It happens to all of us. Don't give up and you'll meet all of your goals:smile:
  • I agree with the couch 2 5k app. I've heard great things about it and it will ease you back into running. Just take your time and don't overdo it. You'll be running long distances again in no time :smile:
  • I have to agree with a lot of the posters here...running outside is so much better than in the gym. I used to despise running but started slow and have grown to love it! I never personally used the couch to 5k but know a lot of people who have and love it. Another tip that works for me is a good playlist with music that…
  • Gotta start somewhere, right? I just started posting in the community...not really sure what you get out of knocking my 1st post but hey whatever makes you happy :smile:
  • Definitely drinking more water helps, but I've been finding that protein helps as well. I mostly eat hard boiled eggs, chicken, nuts, and protein shakes.
  • I too don't really care for breakfast, nor do I have time to make it :) I've been drinking a protein shake for breakfast with a piece of string cheese and a hard boiled egg and this keeps me full until I eat lunch (usually 4-5 hours). I have been drinking one after I workout as well and have noticed that I am full longer…
  • I used to be the same way...always eating all of my calories and it was frustrating. I recently realized I wasn't eating enough protein. I just started eating more and supplementing with shakes and not only feel full much longer and not needing to eat all of my calories but I've also been shedding weight much more quickly.
  • Take a look at this article...1200 calories is the absolute minimum calories a woman can consume without the body suffering negative consequences...