Forest311 Member


  • I try to never eat below my basal metabolic rate (about 1150 for me right now). I think you run the risk of stalling out and messing with your metabolism otherwise. I used Scooby's calculator to find mine out. I think 1200 sounds really low.
  • I am starting this today. I am doing a low/high/low/high/reward [Friday night pizza night!]/ low/ high. The macros I looked up advised 1g of protein per lb of body weight daily, 50% of cal from carbs on high day, 25% on low day, balance of calories from healthy fats. I got this from the Heidi Powell website "classic carb…
  • I never thought I could kick my sweet coffee habit. But I started by halving the amount of sugar, then working down to none (just 2% milk). Then I went to black. Now that I am 6 weeks on black coffee, anything with milk or sweetener in it tastes gross. Try scaling it back over time and you may find you don't even need it…
  • Nothing is bad in true moderation. But if you are drinking more than 1/day I would reconsider. Water is better for you and diet coke can trigger some weird reactions consuming more food calories, and I also personally feel, after researching, that overconsumption of soda of any kind leads to bone density issues and kidney…
  • great work!