amnankhan Member


  • I know right! It's terrible specially the lock down days I like to call them I can't even step outside i had to quit my job because some days were so bad I just couldn't go !! I swear these issues are as real as getting your leg fractured or something. Anyways despite the bad days I'm trying to keep going... Not giving up!
  • I'm so sorry you're going through so much! And it's really impressive the way you're not letting things stop you or demotivate you :) I think I'll eventually get there too ! Thanks for sharing. It helps! Good wishes coming your way xx
  • I actually try very hard to at least go for a walk if not running and then I end up having a good run. But there are days you know complete lock down ones. I hope it will change with time. I'm glad this works for you though. Keep going! :)
  • Well that's great How did you do that? I can't do even one push up. :'( what should I do to be able to do push ups? My jobs don't leave me time for gym, I just do some cardio.