xxdebbiexx1984 Member


  • Best way to lose it is drop calories down to 1200-1400 per day, 2-3 litres of water or sugar free squash per day, reduce salts, fats and sugars as well as carbs. Don't eat carbs after 6pm!! I did this and have in total lost 88lbs. I'd lost most of it in 8 months but still going although I don't want to lose it now!! Good…
  • Thank you. I also had the implant last year and haven't been having proper periods since then. Hopefully I'll be told it's normal. And well done for your weight loss :-)
  • Thank you all... Was sort of hoping there may have been someone medically trained who could help. The slimming pills are made from natural ingredients, but will call my gp tomorrow. Thanks :-)
  • Hi, I have just managed 60 lbs lost in 5 months :-) all on calories and only having no more than 1200 per day, 2-3 litres of water and trying to be more active :-) I still need to lose about 30lbs or so, but it's slowing down now. My advice is to change all full fats to low fats, dairy, meats, literally everything you can.…
  • Just for anyone else still unsure....I've spoken to a nutritionist and yes, weigh dry and use that weight!!
  • Thank you :-) I've been wanting to use the dry weight but was so worried it isn't right and end up overeating because I'm measuring wrong!! I know it's just water weight but wasn't sure if the carb weights become more which turns into more calories etc!!