alicer461 Member


  • Done :) well I worked out my metabolic rate online and its 1500 as I'm young and I'm eating less than 1500cals aday and exercising 5 days a week burning around 500+ cals each time so I should be in a deficit
  • Yeah all motivation is gold maotivation I was just looking. For some younger people, like under 30 as most people on here seem to be older, which isn't a bad thing it's just nice to talk to people your own age :)
  • Hey I'm in the same boat with the uni part, putting on a lot of weight but now it's time to do something about it :)
  • I do agree with the deeper problem part, confidence wise that's why I'm doing it but I dont see it as I problem I see it as a goal, a goal to feel confident in clothes and in myself calling something a problem demonises it
  • Thanks for the help guys and yes I meant I had lost 2lb and then put it back on this week. I just thought because I'm young and I need o loose around 40lb that it should be coming off easier :/ and I've previously lost weight by just healthy eating alone and this time I've added the gym so I was hoping to have lost…
  • That's very true thanks guys I've got my motivation back :) I looked online and it says that if you go from pretty lazy(sedentary) to active your body takes a while to adjust which sounds realistic and I have started doing weights for the first time so I should have gained muscle :)
    in Only 2lb Comment by alicer461 July 2015
  • I know 2lb is 2lb but last time I would loose 4-6lb a week just with healthy eating and this time I've added excersice so I should be loosing more than 2lb in 2 weeks
    in Only 2lb Comment by alicer461 July 2015
  • phew thats not as dauwnting now :) thanks everyone, its great to have help from such knoledgeable people on here:)
  • god wow! I'm going to have to step up my cardio then to burn 1200 calories haha
  • I've decided to go with the polar m400 as it is multisports so i can use it as i get fitter and start to get involved in new sports :)
  • thanks for all the help guys, i think i will change and do cardio 3 days and 2 days of weights/ cardio mix :). when people say cardio deficit what does this mean? burning off more than you eat? I'm sticking to a strict 1200 calories to beguine with
  • Just general gym like cycling, cross trainer, treadmill and weights but eventually I would like to start running :)
  • This quark studf sounds amazing ! I think I've had it before, a cream cheese type consistency but it usually curdles when heated if I remember rightly
  • True hahah ! I'll give them a go if not I'll haut stick with the protein shakes
  • Why don't they do anything ? All the reviews were very positive stating they help with fat loss and increase in metabolism and smaller appetite? Well I'll try them and see I guess :)
  • Thanks guys :) I think I might try this keto thing for another few days but if it's not working I might try something else, I can see perhaps keto isn't for me
  • I totally agree
  • Wow you are literally my motivation ! I'm bee similar to your before size and it's amazing to see it can be done ! You look great, how did you do it? Diet and exercise wise?
  • I don't add oil because I don't like it and most of the stuff I eat doesn't need to be cooked in oil, just oven baked
  • I'm not thick, I know which foods are good and which are not I did an entire science A level based on nutrition! No I haven't been using oil at all even when cooking, no butter or cheese. Just literally salads with meat and eggs, omlets, vegetables, no sugars in tea or drinks and I've been walking for at least 30mins a day.
  • Thanks for the food ideas guys think I might buy some avocados and nuts in future :) and thanks for all the motivational messages you've all stopped me from reaching for that pitty chocolate bar :D
  • Thanks guys :) I've only been eating 1000 because I'm doing a low carb diet and have found it hard to find foods I can actually eat :/
  • I think so or at least until I'm at my goal weight and then slightly increase my carbs and lower my fats
  • That's very true :) I think my expectations are too high but I have been feeling much healthier and happier so there's a bonus ! I think I just need to increase what I've been eating because some days I've been eating a lot less than 1000 calories which from what I've read is a very bad thing to do :/ Thanks guys x
  • Thanks guys you've given me my motivation back :D I'll get back on it and do abit more exercise x
  • But I should be losing more than 1lb a week I have about 40lb to lose and it's really disheartening :/
  • Sorry I didn't realise :o so with myfitnesspal it says fiber and I just add foods from the system so should I be deducting fibre form my net carbs still ?
  • As for the fibre vs fiber debate I understand English and Americans spell certain things differently but I wasn't speaking to any nationality in particular, all help is much welcomed
  • Thanks for the ideas everyone :) it's a big help I think I'll start off at 20 carbs then slowly increase so I can find my level of ketosis :) I've bought these ketosis testing strips which should be helpful
  • That's true I think I've found through not eating bread that I have an allergy or resistance of some sort as it was making me very unwell without me realising ! The low carb is working well for me and I'm sticking to lean proteins such as chicken breast and ham but I do think I may up my fat intake and see it it helps :)…