

  • Hi. I use different weights for different exercises, for example ... I will use 3kg's (6lbs) for exercises like a windmill (full overhead circles) as this is quite challenging, 5kg's (11lbs) for all bicep curls, overhead presses and lunges and lastly 7.5kg's (16.5lbs?) for most of my compound exercises like deadlifts and…
  • Agreed! Many people think that crunches are the best form of ab exercise, NO! A simple combo like a lunge + bicep curl or overhead press will give you far better results. Compound exercises are your friend! :) No matter what you are doing, just keep that core tight and you will see results, combined with a healthy diet of…
  • Hi there, Where do I begin with my response ... I have been through all the stages of weight loss and have tried and failed many times while learning how to do this the right way, so please try to take this advice from someone who has been skinny fat, and recently too. Firstly congratulations on losing so much weight! I'm…