What kind of workout should I be doing for my stomach/abs?

I really fear widening my waist through workouts so I tend to avoid working out that whole area.
But I want to pull my stomach in/tighten the muscles in that area, is there a way to do that?
It's my least favourite area but I've no idea how I should be working out my stomach/abs/waist.
Any suggestions?


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    You shouldn't skip a muscle group. Are you at a calorie deficit to lose weight? Just how would you widen that area then? It's important to save muscle in a deficit, and having a strong core for everyday life/tasks, balance, stability, posture...etc.

    Compound exercises are good. No need to do 100 "crunches". Dead lifts, squats, etc. Throw in some planks, maybe a bit of leg or knee raises on the captains chair.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Compound lifts. :D I rarely bother with ab work these days, everything else I do hits the abs whether strength work (deads, rows, squats, bench, shoulder press), gymnastics (front levers etc), tai chi, dodgeball or tennis.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Front squats and hallow holds.
  • Katetw
    Katetw Posts: 188 Member
    just a reminder: you can't spot-lose fat. If you're where you want to be or if you want to tone muscles under the fat, go for it when thinking about specific areas. But otherwise, exercise it ALL. Your body will lose from where it wants to lose (frustrating but true).
  • cmbauer99
    cmbauer99 Posts: 184 Member
    Compound lifts. :D I rarely bother with ab work these days, everything else I do hits the abs whether strength work (deads, rows, squats, bench, shoulder press), gymnastics (front levers etc), tai chi, dodgeball or tennis.

    This this this and more of this

    And as others have said you can't spot reduce
  • Jennym93
    Jennym93 Posts: 136 Member
    edited March 2015
    I know you can't spot reduce I just want to strengthen the muscles as I'm not sure I'm really working them enough compared to the rest of me
  • cmbauer99 wrote: »
    Compound lifts. :D I rarely bother with ab work these days, everything else I do hits the abs whether strength work (deads, rows, squats, bench, shoulder press), gymnastics (front levers etc), tai chi, dodgeball or tennis.

    This this this and more of this

    And as others have said you can't spot reduce

    Agreed! Many people think that crunches are the best form of ab exercise, NO! A simple combo like a lunge + bicep curl or overhead press will give you far better results. Compound exercises are your friend! :) No matter what you are doing, just keep that core tight and you will see results, combined with a healthy diet of course.

    Also remember that you need to work your entire core to get the results you want, that includes your back.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    edited March 2015
    Jennym93 wrote: »
    I know you can't spot reduce I just want to strengthen the muscles as I'm not sure I'm really working them enough compared to the rest of me

    If you do any of the compound movements with loads that require you to really have to make an effort, you will feel it in your abs. If you're new to lifting, then perhaps get a PT to give you guidance. :)

    The funny one for me is dumbbell bent over rows. A back exercise. Yet when you lift loads that are approaching half your bodyweight, you really, really feel it in your abs. You can't help but lock the core as you pull the weight back!

    Also, I do like single dumbbell shoulder presses: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-5L6Yy-Fz16c/TcCzsonLDDI/AAAAAAAAAN0/y0liDmccTXU/s1600/1+arm+shoulder.jpg
    Because your body is in an unbalanced state, you will feel it in your abs and obliques.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Jennym93 wrote: »
    I know you can't spot reduce I just want to strengthen the muscles as I'm not sure I'm really working them enough compared to the rest of me

    what are you doing for the rest of you?
  • Jennym93
    Jennym93 Posts: 136 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm focused more on cardio so mainly treadmill, I do squats, bicep curls and whatever else I might feel like doing I don't have a proper workout yet but it's really basic stuff since I've never used weights before and I can't lift too heavy for medical reasons
    I suppose I really aught to focus on finding a suitable workout for my whole body.
  • jillyian
    jillyian Posts: 423 Member
    Planks for your core in addition to all of the above - 30-60 sec plank x 1 or 2 or 3
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Whatever workout you do, you need some routine rather than just doing whatever you feel like doing. Imagine trying to earn a living but only working when you feel like it. :D
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Whatever workout you do, you need some routine rather than just doing whatever you feel like doing. Imagine trying to earn a living but only working when you feel like it. :D

    Ooooooh, I like that!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Whatever workout you do, you need some routine rather than just doing whatever you feel like doing. Imagine trying to earn a living but only working when you feel like it. :D

  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I actually do see similarities between weight and money. It's easy to gain weight and lose money. People want to lose weight and gain money (well, most people) yet they baulk at the thought of hard work to do either. People are always looking for quick fix weight loss tips and get rich quick ideas. I could go on. :)
  • Jennym93
    Jennym93 Posts: 136 Member
    I actually do see similarities between weight and money. It's easy to gain weight and lose money. People want to lose weight and gain money (well, most people) yet they baulk at the thought of hard work to do either. People are always looking for quick fix weight loss tips and get rich quick ideas. I could go on. :)

    I'm not looking for a 'quick fix' I'm looking for something to add to what I already do, I just don't have a complete workout I'm happy with yet so it's very basic using a 5kg plate (or barbell/dumbbells)
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    edited March 2015
    Wasn't suggesting you were. Just having a general rambling post. Indulge me. :D

    Oh, check out this book that everyone on here recommends for a decent strength routine: http://amzn.to/1OPuK02
  • Jennym93
    Jennym93 Posts: 136 Member
    edited March 2015
    Wasn't suggesting you were. Just having a general rambling post. Indulge me. :D
    oh fair enough then :)
    sorry for misunderstanding :)

    Oh I shall check it out thank you
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    Jennym93 wrote: »
    I'm focused more on cardio so mainly treadmill, I do squats, bicep curls and whatever else I might feel like doing I don't have a proper workout yet but it's really basic stuff since I've never used weights before and I can't lift too heavy for medical reasons
    I suppose I really aught to focus on finding a suitable workout for my whole body.

    1 thing I have learned is to never go and workout without a plan. If I just go in without a plan I end up just wandering from one station to another. I have a little black book with workouts on each page. I can open the book to any page and have a workout all written down for me. At the side of each exercise I record the weigh I am currently lifting for that move.

    One of my favourites at the moment is:

    row 500 meters
    50 thrusters with deep squat (30kg) - blast them out fast
    row 250 meters
    25 thrusters
    row 100 meters
    10 thusters

    Its a great cardio burst with the added benefit of the weights. I do this as my warm up now but it was a workout on its own when I started.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Jennym93 wrote: »
    I'm focused more on cardio so mainly treadmill, I do squats, bicep curls and whatever else I might feel like doing I don't have a proper workout yet but it's really basic stuff since I've never used weights before and I can't lift too heavy for medical reasons
    I suppose I really aught to focus on finding a suitable workout for my whole body.

    I completely agree, you aught too. Set a definitive goal and then commit to it. Then find a program that will help you get that done. If that program has barbell squats (especially front squats), deadlifts, and standing overhead press, you probably won’t need much extra work for the abs.