josharnold2498 Member


  • Hi Jen, congrats on losing 20lbs so far. I understand having to go at it alone. I lost the bulk of my weight by working out myself and me being my only motivator. I'm down to my last 10lbs (hopefully) and finally convinced people to work out with me which I'm looking forward to cause having someone to help you and motivate…
  • My suggestion would be look at the amount of your intake instead of what your intake is. When you're starting out it can be hard to change your diet which eating healthier is always good but if you need to ease into it or even if you're just a picky eater you'll find just cutting back on certain foods can help…
  • You can definitely do it given enough dedication and effort. I went from 300 to 195 in a year and that was just from exercising regularly and cutting back my intake. That was a couple years ago now, had to take a break from focussing on weight loss when life got busy but in that time I've still managed to get down to 175.…