kj61570 Member


  • Im checking in here. I've been told by one of my good friends that I will genetically always be the size I am, and not be able to lose the weight that I need. I believe this is a lie and need to change my lifestyle if I am going to live as long as I'd like. I know I'm not thinking overboard here.
  • I heard black beans are actually great for protein. They add bulk to your favorite recipes and are good in omelets. Canned are easier with which to cook.
  • OMG! This is sometimes overwhelming! I've got to start watching my body fat percentage and not my weight. Genesis has got me on a nutrition plan. I've got to go to the grocery store. Do you usually plan a week ahead. What do you do to stay in line?
  • Hey, I'm learning slowly. The hardest part is, I think, learning what and how to eat. We want to eat everything but we'd all be so fat we wouldn't know what to do, and with all the health issues, I could die from a heart attack. Huh?
  • Not any more! Be of good cheer! I've been on a roller coaster! I want to lose and maintain. Hope you're here to do the same. What's your goal?
  • Please friend me if you'd like. I'm hoping to lose some pounds too to become healthy and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • I'm not from the UK but have some friends there. One that studied in Edinburgh as a photographer, and now lives in Switzerland. One an architect right now in Manchester. And one in London who is a radio show person. I'm not sure what to call her other than Wendy Sherer. She does some other thing there in London too.