elzanone Member


  • Oh, haha, missed the real question--was tired of being fat and sick. Period. Lost 30 pounds quickly, then another 30 over a 9 month period. Never able to lose much weight until I found this diet, and I am so amazed at 60 that I can lose lots of weight and improve my life & health so well! And not suffer (and it isn't true…
  • Been eating this way for about 17 months--frustrated right now, been sick for a month, and feel stuck. Starting to work out again but maybe need to drop calories or just up fat again.
  • Don't ever ever turn back--we know better now!
  • Grrrrr bombs
  • Hey there! Going to try Martina's faux apple pie made with zucchini! Just FYI I made her pumpkin fat bombas and they are a real treat--dark chocolate on the bottom, pumpkin & coconut on top. If I hadn't tried them I wouldn't have believed how good they are!
  • Forgot to add, will only eat meat & veggies & salads, will not obsess if someone puts crumbs on the veggies.
  • Great topic! My family is going to a really great, gourmet, organic, quality food restaurant that cost a small fortune per person...then we are supposed to make the rounds of extended family & friends for 47 desserts. Not too worried this year; taking my desserts with me and not allowing ANYONE to get between me & goals…
  • Hey, y'all are doing better than me at posting! Rededicating to losing another 60 this year; did it last year. Started about August 1st; haven't lost a darned thing but been going up & down in the same trough. Time to stop the idiocy, I only have 9 months left to make progress!