juju012014 Member


  • Thank you for all your replies they have been very useful
    in Popcorn Comment by juju012014 April 2015
  • Oh I never knew you could do popcorn like that just spent £15 on a popcorn maker :( lol x
    in Popcorn Comment by juju012014 April 2015
  • Thank you jgnatca that is very useful (I've screen shot it so I can check) I will certainly keep this in mind x
    in Popcorn Comment by juju012014 April 2015
  • Mmmmm not sure about the garlic lol x
    in Popcorn Comment by juju012014 April 2015
  • Ooh that sounds good lol x
    in Popcorn Comment by juju012014 April 2015
  • Hi roda I've not really been given a plan as such just been told to eat low sugar low fat low salt by diabetic nurse she said I will get to see dietician only diagnosed about four weeks ago x
    in Popcorn Comment by juju012014 April 2015
  • Hi I have type 2 diabetes and was diagnosed four weeks ago so very new to all this and very confused after reading lots of posts with different opinions not sure what to do for the best lol any tips would be greatly recieved x
  • Thank you kmc I found it,thank you ace I really appreciate any tips and advice it sounds like you have good control on things I may need more advice in the future if you don't mind lol x
  • Thank you prgirl,kgm and Acura for replying,I got diagnosed four weeks ago so it's all quite new to me I am taking metformin twice a day at the mo but will be on it three times a day,I'm waiting to see a dietician but have so far been told by nurse to eat low fat low sugar and low salt which I have been doing,I've tried to…