

  • Here is an idea; Ingredients; -Salmon (with skin since salmon has most of its fatty acids inside its skin) -Garlic (chop it) -Onion/s (chop it) -Green peas -Bay leaf/s -Black Pepper (optional) How to prepare; Take a non sticky pan which deep enough to hold your ingredients. Fill it with water (it should reach tothe quaryer…
  • Well, I took the time to find out where I heard that the first it was apparently. This was told by Jacob Wilson, PhD, a professor and director of the skeletal muscle and sports nutrition laboratory at the University of Tampa. Project Mass is the name. I would understand choosing to beleive or not to…
    in 1200 Comment by Mechanised April 2015
  • I started using this app since a trainer friend of mine suggested it to me to easily track my callories and nutrition. Looks nice and even has a community =)
  • Well, I thought it would be a list but apparenlty it is one by one. I was thinking to get my hardcopy as a softcopy to this app but it wont do. I will stick to my papers. But at least now I can check on my nutrition now.
  • Hi, Unfortunately, I do not keep the links or the publications as well. But I do bot base these kinds of advices on magazines or whatsoever. You can use publication search engines to search through even how exactly each supplement affects the body in short and long therm. You can even find people that published those from…
    in 1200 Comment by Mechanised April 2015
  • I am also a master student in electrical engineering. Hard to keep my routine but I can and I will =)
  • These programs give you an estimate, overall. Your digestive capabilities, daily activities, biological clock and many more affect your daily absorbtion. You can calculate an estimate (what you require to digest) by generic formulations that you can find through web and combine it with MFP list to see where you are. Try to…
    in Protein Comment by Mechanised April 2015
  • Quite some suggestions here and here is mine; So not focus solely on your calories. It is only an overall indication. Your planning should be based on your training schedule and daily life. Times you eat carbs and fats, your antioxidant levels, vitamin and mineral levels et cetera all are as important. For example, studies…
    in 1200 Comment by Mechanised April 2015
  • Thanks for the replies. I will check on the apps you told me. I couldnt find the exercise tab in the first glance, but found it now.