

  • Limiting carbs is a HUGE deal for allot of people successfully losing weight. They switch calories from carbs to healthy fats and pounds fall off. Calories in calories out is a myth for allot of people. I could not lose weight limiting calories, and no I was not cheating, but limiting carbs and increasing fat pounds come…
    in Carbs? Comment by AsadiMt April 2015
  • Bad or good cholesterol? The ratio of them is important. Also just because LDL goes up doesn't mean its a bad thing. There is a specific test that counts two kinds of ldl molecules, high density and low density. High density LDL is bad, low density is benign. Do some research on high fat low carb diets and how carbs affect…
  • If your trying to lose weight being low on carbs and high on fat is a good thing. If not you could always increase fruit and root veggies to up carb count.
  • Check out low carb high fat ways of eating
  • Its giving you a TOTAL sugar allowance per day, that's including naturally occurring sugars. The nationally accepted guidelines say no more than 22-25g of ADDED sugar per day. Keep in mind carbs are just sugar in disguise.
    in Sugar?! Comment by AsadiMt April 2015