grenblackall Member


  • I understand what you're saying. I worked so hard to get thinner and instead of getting praise, I get heat about how thin I look. The fact is that I don't look thin, I just look thinner than I did. I tell people that my BMI is actually right around the average of the normal range, so I'm really not thin. I've been tracking…
  • Hi everyone. I love the international and diversity coverage in here - we all have similar passions, yet different places/cultures/backgrounds/ages/genders etc. Great human connector. I'm from Maine, 59, married two grown kids, two amazing dogs, married a woman I've known my whole life and been together 40 years either…
  • I love all this Ah-ha discussion. Isn't it amazing how often huge changes in our lives come from tiny moments. So if you add up all the ah-ha moments in a life time, the most important epiphanies in our lives, and it comes to what, less than a full minute? Amazing. My weight ah-ha has hit a number of times in my life. It…