

  • I'm here for you too :) I'm 21 years old and have been overweight my entire life. I've lost 70lbs so far (in about a 4 year span) but still have much more to go. I'd love to be your fitness friend if you'd accept! We can all use some friends who are going through the same experiences (something I don't have with all of my…
  • Good luck! I'm graduating college this May and am trying to lose the weight by the time I finish my teaching credential program next spring! Trying to be the cute teacher ha!
  • Right there with you! I'm new here but love it so far! I'd love to find some motivating friends on here, it would definitely help me stay on track!
  • I'm on the same page! I'm graduating from college this semester (to be a teacher) and want to get to my healthiest to be able to keep up with the students! Good luck, you can do it!