needing some confidence

My name is carrie and I have battled my weight for years. I need help loosing about 30 poinds. I find myself eating for no reason . I don't have many true friends. And I have been put down in the past due to my weight.


  • MeredithSchultz
    When I read your words I felt I was reading about my life. I was bullied about my weight thru out my childhood and even my father put me in slim fast at the age of 10. He makes it perfectly clear to me about my weight. Why does weight have to define you?
    My name is Meredith and I would love to help you if you want to and you can help me too. I'm listening.
  • LizDarcy9
    I'm here for you too :) I'm 21 years old and have been overweight my entire life. I've lost 70lbs so far (in about a 4 year span) but still have much more to go. I'd love to be your fitness friend if you'd accept! We can all use some friends who are going through the same experiences (something I don't have with all of my size 0-2 friends). Best wishes!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Hi, I'm logan and I'm looking to lose around 40 pounds. I was bullied for my weight in school (which was ridiculous, I was skinny back then!) and I struggle with self esteem issues now because of my weight. I just moved to a new state and don't know anyone here. I lost 40 pounds on here before, got lazy, and gained it back. So I'm looking for new friends to help support and motivate me. I'll send you a request, any others who want to add me, please do!