Support! :)

Hello everyone! I have always had issues with my weight constantly fluctuating due to stress from school and work. It's time to make a change though. I just want to be healthy and happy! :) Keep up the good work and stay focused!


  • LizDarcy9
    I'm on the same page! I'm graduating from college this semester (to be a teacher) and want to get to my healthiest to be able to keep up with the students! Good luck, you can do it!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Sounds like me! I could win awards for stress eating and weight fluctuation... I'm 26, a mom, and a total nerd. I've had success on mfp in the past, but I gained the weight back. I'm looking to lose around 40 pounds and want to find some like minded people who can help support and motivate me!
  • meaconkling
    Unfortunately I am a full-time graduate student working 20 hours a week. By the time I get home I have papers to read, papers to write or an exam to study for. Plus trying to make time to work on my research isn't easy. It's hard to take time away from all that to make dinner (let alone a healthy one) or to exercise. :/ I am trying to take it one day at a time.