Apud85 Member


  • Remember to take it one day at a time. If you mess up today, tomorrow is a new day. Don't beat yourself up over it. Also, if your end goal seems daunting, I think it helps to break up your weight loss goal into smaller milestones. It seems more attainable that way. Good luck!! You have an adorable son.. such a great reason…
  • Ha! If you want to be all fancy about it, then yes. Just trying to share a good recipe.
  • Healthy Turkey Chili, I'll make a big batch on Sunday and eat it throughout the week. Also salads with leftover chicken, smoked sardines with wasa crackers, or just leftovers.
  • I love this recipe... it's cheap and healthy! http://www.skinnymom.com/skinny-tuna-cakes/
  • I was super excited to try the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough last week... they were good, but then I had the same chemical aftertaste that I COULD. NOT. get rid of. So disappointed! I'll stick with my ThinkThin bars.
    in Quest bars Comment by Apud85 May 2015
  • I'm surprised ppl don't like these! I LOVE them and make them almost every morning. Topped with a dollop of plain greek yogurt and a little maple syrup, they keep me full for a long time! They taste exactly like French toast to me.
  • We do a lot of meat on the grill. While my husband is grilling the meat, I'll usually throw together a salad or some sauteed vegetables and make wild rice or quinoa as our side. We don't get fancy during the week. Keep your meals as simple as possible. Also, I try to use our slow cooker often, which really cuts down on my…
  • I love happy scale! It's really motivating to see a downward trend, even when I have a couple of heavier days here and there. Good luck and don't obsess!!
  • Popsicles! I always have to have something sweet after dinner, so I've started buying Yasso greek yogurt popsicles and fruit popsicles and they totally satisfy my craving.
  • This sounds awesome!! Thank you!
  • Every once in a while people will put sweets and other goodies in our break room, so I try to tell myself that if it's still there by the afternoon, I'll have some. But usually by then, everything is gone, so that's an easy decision!
  • Same, especially with an entire cheesecake in the house when it's just my husband and me.
  • I've never seen this one before! It looks really good, I'll let you know!
  • Healthier meaning lower calorie/healthier ingredients, i.e., using greek yogurt, almond flour, smaller sized bites, etc.
  • Blogilates! Those workouts kill me!
  • This made me LOL! B)
  • I'm the same and I love Ann Taylor LOFT's jeans. They have a curvy fit (also sometimes called the Julie fit) that I love.
  • I was like that my last period! I was working out and had to stop because I felt like I was going to pass out. Even walking out of the gym I felt like my legs were going to fall out from under me. I usually have a really heavy period near the beginning. I think it's related to temporary anemia from the loss of blood. Try…
  • This looks awesome!! Thank you!
  • Just wanted to say that I'm from Raleigh and we love that place! Enjoy some wings for me. :-)
  • What about buying a pack of gum instead? There are a lot of interesting flavors and they hardly have any calories. Usually if i'm out shopping and get the urge to buy a snack or chocolate, I buy gum and it works like a charm!
  • No advice here, but just wanted to wish you lots of luck!!!
  • Try eating more protein during your meals. I really like the ThinkThin chocolate peanut butter protein bars. They're 250 calories and 0g sugar, so sometimes I split them and eat one half between breakfast/lunch and the other before dinner. They seem to keep my hunger under control until the next meal. I also have a couple…
  • I love the Yasso greek yogurt popsicles after dinner. Lots of good flavors and most of them are less than 100 calories.
  • TMI, but I'm ovulating today and I am STARVING. Does that happen to anyone else?? I'm eating about 1400 calories and have been fine up until today. Last week I was doing 1200-1300 and I was totally content. Today though, my stomach won't stop growling.
  • I was having this problem this morning too and created a thread about the same topic. Did you double check that all of the ingredients are importing correctly? When I imported a recipe this morning, I thought it was fine, but once I took a closer look at it, I realized MFP mistook 8 leaves of lettuce for 8 heads of…
  • Yes! At first glance I thought the taco lettuce wrap recipe ingredients were imported correctly, but then once I really took a look, I realized that MFP calculated the calories for 8 heads of lettuce instead of 8 leaves of lettuce. Bingo! I'll just have to take a better look when I import. Thanks all!
  • Hi! I love hearing stats from other tall ladies! 1) How much do you weigh at the moment? I'm 5'10", 173lbs, definitely pear shaped. I carry most of my weight in my bottom half. 2) How much would you like to weigh? My goal is 160. A couple of years ago I was running a lot, about 30 miles a week, and my weight went down to…
  • If it's during the day, I usually try to just chew some gum. That usually does it. If I still have a craving after dinner, I'll have a fudgesicle or a Yasso greek yogurt Popsicle
    in Sugar Comment by Apud85 April 2015