carlafoxx314 Member


  • Wednesday Wish Day (1) I wish losing weight was as easy as it was putting it on. (2) I wish I could do more physical activities without the hip pain. (3) I wish I didn't have Diabetes (4) I wish I would have tried sooner to loose weight. (5) I wish I would have had my own biological children (6) I wish I didn't have to…
  • *if* sorry about the typo
  • Thursday Truth: I feel that I don't get this weight of me (1) I will lose my husband (2) I will begin to have major complications due to diabetes (3) I will die and not be able to watch my niece and nephew get older! Wow that felt great to be able to admit that! I've always been a "plus sized queen woman" even when I got…
  • Hi I'm Carla and I'm here for support because I need to loose at least 175 lbs to be healthier. I've struggled with being overweight all of my life and for the first time I'm determined to loose this weight!
  • Thank you bm1409! I watch my niece during the day for my sister and as soon as it gets warmer outside I'm gonna start going walking daily with her. Until then I'm gonna go walking after she gets picked up. This is new for me so I'm gonna be on here for lots ideas and suggestions. How do you add friends or is it just an…
  • Thank you for the advice pds06