Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @Goinstd12 - No, Cyrus is that tall. He's 6' right now and wears a size 15 shoe. He's projected to be at least 6'5" we're hearing. Plus, Rylee is pretty short too. Yes, keep me posted. It would be great to meet.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    day one post op, whew. pain is much better, I can put weight on it more and more. using crutches. I set up a zero gravity chair in the living room it is great for elevation and ice.

    Thanks all for all the PT advice, I did start today with a couple the doc gave me and know it is the way to go and need to keep it up.

    Had a great salad for lunch and going to splurge on some pasta tonight.

    thank again all you are a great group!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    You all are amazing, you all know that right? Just reminding you all. Today at my TOPS meeting I was so worried about gaining, and I was down 1/2 lb. I knew I had gained, so I was all.. "let me go pee, and oh I need to spit out my gum before I weigh in".....silly Becca....why do I get myself in such a state!?!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    oh Wednesday is wish day.....and I didn't state anything....hmmm all my wishes are lame...
    1. I wish whatever bug is eating my spinach starts would get full already!
    2. I wish my sister would call me. I have called her sooo many times and I suppose I have to admit to myself that I am not on her priority list.
    Thats about it, I am going to be volunteering at the weekly Senior Luncheon, serving etc, so that will be fun tomorrow. I also have my therapy session in afternoon. I have realized that for a long time I used my weight as a shield from people. I am learning to put myself first, and respect all that I am.
  • carlafoxx314
    carlafoxx314 Posts: 10 Member
    Wednesday Wish Day
    (1) I wish losing weight was as easy as it was putting it on.
    (2) I wish I could do more physical activities without the hip pain.
    (3) I wish I didn't have Diabetes
    (4) I wish I would have tried sooner to loose weight.
    (5) I wish I would have had my own biological children
    (6) I wish I didn't have to sleep with a C-Pap machine attached to my face all night.
    (7) I wish us all the best of luck on this weight loss journey.
    (8) I wish you all a blessed night GN!
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Well I'm just going to jump right in:
    @grandmakaye44 - So happy to hear your DH is cancer free! Congrats!
    @cblue15 - sorry to hear about your DH'S diverticulitis, my sister suffers from it too, she had to have a resection and luckily avoided the colostomy bag but still has lots of problems. Awesome to hear you're cancer-free for 3 years! Woot woot!
    @Danad1121 - welcome to the thread. We are a loose group, some folks have been posting here for years but others like me just a few months or weeks (or days!) come back often and tell us about yourself, we will be glad to support you or cry with you!
    @humbleheart - don't worry, lots of us have fallen off the wagon, but the important thing is to get back on and try again, and come back to this thread often, we'll give you lots of love!
    @ushkii - sorry about the pain but it's great that you're already working on the PT, just hang in there.

    AFM - I got to work out at the gym again on my 30 minute lunch, it's intense getting there, working out, and getting back in just 30 minutes but a great burn. I don't have a fitbit or anything so using MapMyWalk works great, even if it is a bit awkward to log it.
    I was so happy I didn't have to get on the phones today, I got so much done at work!
    Weigh-in is tomorrow. Food is great, I'm pretty happy with the way things are going. My mood is sunny!!!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @GOINSTD12~I’m often inundated with emails and phone calls at work, I love it when I have a quiet day (which isn't often)—it’s amazing what I can accomplish! :wink: Hooray for your lunch-time workouts…wish I could do that, but it’s a 30-minute drive to my gym from work. :confounded:

    @Annr~I wish the same from my sister. My parent’s 50th anniversary is in a few months and we need to plan. I emailed her 3 weeks ago concerning some ideas, no answer yet! :anguished: LOL at your TOPS weigh-in, I go to WW and am the same way—practically disrobe so I have every advantage over that scale. :lol:

    @susan2396~Glad to see you back and that you had a great time on your vacation. Its nice that your friend and her daughter were able to join you, it was probably a good distraction for her to get away for a little while. I can’t believe how tall Cyrus is already. My cousin was the same way—6’ before high school, he’s 33 now and 6’4”—not the tallest in the family though, I have one cousin that is 6’9” (he’s a basketball coach :lol:).

    @humbleheart~Welcome back!
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    @Karen, my dad always won the egg-cracking game. He knew the 'secret' ... did your father's game with you include having to eat your cracked eggs? I came to love egg salad and sliced egg sandwiches during those years I played the game with him.

    @Lori, there are probably lots of others who can relate to our bad backs. It's probably the number 1 complaint! I've been in numerous therapies for the past 50 years with mine. PT and Chiro certainly do help.

    AFM ...
    Thursday Truth and my first April challenge report (past 6 days)... which was to eat more vegetables than fruit. I can see from my tabulation that I eat plenty of both ... and way too much of the fruit.
    Over this week ... I had 20 servings of fruit and 24 of vegetables. That's more fruit than I need. I do believe it has been the substitute for eating other types of snack food. Those little apples and mandarin oranges are just so handy to grab and go!

    This weeks goal ... less fruit by 1 a day, veggies are ok, but more won't hurt. Servings are 1 piece of whole fruit (small to medium size), 1/4 cup of dried, 1/2 cup of canned or pureed (in fruit juice). Veggie servings are 1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw with a preference for raw.

    Since I missed about 3 weeks, and Truth Be Told, I have had a weight gain that has set me back to nearly the weight I was at the end of December. That's up 1 pound from 4 weeks ago, and 7 from eight weeks ago according to my 'official' weigh-ins (at the MD's office). ... and it is stressful to realize that this follows on the heals of reaching a milestone low weight in early February. In times past, this kind of a set-back would have me raising my hands in an "I quit" attitude ... but not this time. I know the gain was from too much couch and pick-up/delivery food in the second half of February and March ... and that in the over-all scheme of things I can still reach my year-end goal with just a bit more effort, thus a nasty stumble, I can get past this and follow-through.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all,

    Happy Teen Literature Day

    Things You Can Do To Celebrate Teen Literature

    I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. ~Mahatma Gandhi

  • onederbaby
    onederbaby Posts: 23 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I wanted to share some info that I just learned. Some of you may already know this, but some may not. I feel this will help me lose better.

    Well, upon further research about eating back the calories burned, this is what I have come up with. In order to lose weight, one needs to set themselves a deficit %. The standard deficit is 20% of your maintenance calories, which is what I have found that My Fitness Pal does (thumbs up).

    Here is the part of eating back your calories. You will lose weight JUST by setting up that 20% deficit. When you add exercise you are increasing your deficit, which is not bad but, when you do that you are doing two things.
    1. You set a goal of 20% and now you have broken that goal. Part of weight loss is sticking to your goal. Train yourself to stick to your deficit.
    2. You may be confusing your body. If you stay on your set deficit, you will lose weight, but it may be harder for your body to adjust to the yo-yo effect because your body may hold on to the extra fat because of the controversial "starvation mode"

    If you find after a certain time you have stopped losing, then increase your deficit and stick to that. Below I will give an example.

    I have set a deficit of 20% which gives me 1560 calories a day. If I eat that I will still lose weight. Now lets add 500 calories from a walk, that adds to 2060, which may seem like a lot to lose weight, walking I have increased my deficit from the 20% which means, even if I eat back my calories, I will still be at my 20% deficit goal. No harm no foul. That being said, it will not hurt to go over your deficit, but remember, weight loss is a lifestyle change and to achieve that, you have to get in the habit of sticking to your plan.

    Food for thought.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Went for a run on this gorgeous morning, and my Thursday Truth is that I now would rather nap than get all of my chores done today. Hey, EnergyFromExercise, where are you?? ;)

    Honestly, I always feel better after a run...even though my muscles are tired, my mind feels better. :)

    "Float like a butterfly. Sting like a bee. Run like an asthmatic penguin." ~Me

    Get out there and do your thing, today, people! Go at your own pace and you will succeed. So hit that personal goal, whatever it is. :)
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited April 2015
    onederbaby wrote: »
    Hello everyone,

    I wanted to share some info that I just learned. Some of you may already know this, but some may not. I feel this will help me lose better.
    If you find after a certain time you have stopped losing, then increase your deficit and stick to that. Below I will give an example.

    I have set a deficit of 20% which gives me 1560 calories a day. If I eat that I will still lose weight. Now lets add 500 calories from a walk, that adds to 2060, which may seem like a lot to lose weight, walking I have increased my deficit from the 20% which means, even if I eat back my calories, I will still be at my 20% deficit goal. No harm no foul. That being said, it will not hurt to go over your deficit, but remember, weight loss is a lifestyle change and to achieve that, you have to get in the habit of sticking to your plan.

    Food for thought.

    Yep ... when I started using the community pages last October (I've been on MFP since 2012) I read about the eat back your calories concept ... and it made a lot of sense to me, suggesting that this is why I used to regain or plateau time and time again in the past; it was like a feast or famine routine with the feasts continually getting lower because my metabolism slowed up so much from the famines I put myself into.

    Then, as I experimented on myself and read even more I found out that all calorie counting and exercise expenditures were very broad averages and frequently incorrect: we may not log our food as accurately as we think, or our exercise may produce much less calorie expenditure as the software tells us. Thus, we must keep those 2 facts in mind as we move along.

    A third fact I've read is that the more overweight you are, the less exercise matters in weight loss; just cutting the calories to a sensible amount will start the action going. Where exercise matters for everyone is that it keeps our bodies better conditioned so that we can be more active in our daily lives with more stamina and heart health. ... Also, if you do the same amount/intensity exercise all the time, your body adjusts to it and it now becomes part of your normal expenditure and to get any further weight loss benefits from it your exercise has to become harder and more varied.

    For myself, staying within my calorie goals is a real difficulty; with the swings in input being widely below or above my daily allowance. I tried averaging it out on a weekly basis to see if that made any difference, and it did ... I didn't lose as well as when I kept at or missed it by just a small amount every day: like the 100 calories this thread has always maintained we should have as our goal.

    To do that, it takes meal planning, and keeping the desired foods prepped and ready to go. Now that's a good goal for me, as I don't think much about food at all until I am hungry, then I crave immediate and easy satisfaction of that urge ...

    Good luck Onederbaby, thanks for the chat.
  • onederbaby
    onederbaby Posts: 23 Member
    Lunch is proving to be hard for me. I am used to slapping meat between bread and now I am turning to cookbooks, pintrest, and friends for healthy lunches. Then I have to cook them, ugh. Today I was lucky, I had left over spaghetti squash, zucchini, and peppers. Then I happened to have a chicken breast leftover, yea me. So I had half the chicken and mixed it with my mash. I think it is the constant looking for different things to eat that gets me down. Before, if I didnt feel like cooking, fast food it was. Proud to say, since the 27th of March, I have only had fast food once, and I still came under my goal. Look me up on Pintrest and if you don't mind, I would like to add you as a motivation buddy.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @kah68 - yes, that is the very reason I picked this place, it is a small hotel gym directly across from my work, so close. Yes it's small (only 2 treadmills and 2 elliptically, 2 stationary bikes, and some weight equipment) but it also has shower facilities, a hot tub, and a large pool that if you're creative you can do laps in. Plenty to do and so close I really don't have any excuse not to be using it frequently! Plus at only $100/yr corporate discount, the price can't be beat.
    @annr - my sister is just as bad, she NEVER answers the phone, never responds to emails or answers FB posts. It took me getting cancer last year to get contact with her! She suffers from depression and is about 150 lbs overweight if not more, and I wish we lived closer so I could help her, but she lives in MN and I'm in TX.
    @onderbaby - you will find the more you cook your own meals the more you like it- you get to experiment with new tastes and textures and you choose how much fat is in the dish. It helps you learn portion control too. And, you can save your recipes on MFP so if you prepare it again you can easily track it.
    @NK1112 - I've been there too, good for you for not throwing in the towel!
    @hansea47 - ha ha did the energizer bunny take a vacation?

    AFM - down another 2 lbs, woo hoo! Thank you MMW for helping to motivate me to get moving!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Thursday Truth... haven't logged the past 2 days because I've been eating too much. Today I bought a pizza for dinner, ate 3 pieces and feel sick. Still don't know why I do this to myself. I'm also stressing about doing my taxes, which are due the last day of this month. I always put them off to the last minute, this year I'm giving myself a deadline of the 20th, which is Monday. They HAVE to be done because I owe and penalties and interest start compounding immediately (May 1st) so I have to get it paid on time. Since I have a busy weekend planned, tomorrow afternoon and evening is when I'm going to have to pull up my socks and get it all done. Sort of a straight forward return, but I have vehicle expenses (repairs, maintenance, insurance, CAA) I can claim because I use it for work. I haven't even located all my receipts!!!

    @Susan, welcome back. Glad you enjoyed your vacation. You asked about how the NO fast food was going... well, I caved before Easter. But I've been back to tracking food, bringing my lunch to work and cooking dinner at home (for the most part). Definitely a move in the right direction, sometimes stalling but the scale is starting to creep downward.

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi all,

    Susan- Glad you had a great vacation. I am still interested in coming to Atlanta in September and would be happy to stay at your house.

    Welcome to all the new people, I hope you come back and post often.

    Karen- Enjoy the Conference this weekend and was the agreement approved by the union members and the board of education? Good luck with the grading as well.

    I know I missed many people tonight
    This week became very busy again with late nights for work and other meetings, so I did not have a chance to post or read. Tomorrow is my last workout before the triathlon so it will be a warm up type workout. Meaning that I will go through several intervals to get up to race pace then back off. My goal is to complete this triathlon in just under 2 hours. This means a 15-20 minute swim, 40-50 minute bike ride and the run in 45 minutes. It will be close but doable. I hope to complete the run faster but it will depend on how long it takes to find my running legs after the bike ride.
    The nice thing about this tri is that the start is a rolling start due to the pool swim. Therefore, I am starting by 8am after the main rush has finished. I am very excited but also getting nervous.

    Wish- That the weather is perfect for Saturday, meaning no rain and just the right temperature without a lot of wind.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend and that you have the opportunity to get outside and enjoy the weekend.

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    hi everyone,
    just wanted to do a quick check in I'm a little behind on post again I'll be caught up by this Sunday.
    my job interview today was a little odd in how it was presented but I think I did good just that it's a small company and they can't really afford to pay me any more than they offered. There was also not much room for growth opportunity being it was a small company. I have an interview with Best Buy tomorrow.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen - I am praying for you (and others out there looking for work) that you get a good job offer soon that will meet your needs.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday goals report: calories and logging 6/7. Water 7/7. Exercise 7/7 including 50 minutes pedaling and 29.9 miles.
    I'm not sure what happened to me yesterday, but didn't log. I got started ok, but it fizzled out.
    @Laurie good luck with your tri.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Good morning all.

    @garysgirl719 - Hope all is well with the twins.

    @Annr - Thanks for the comment on how losing weight is so much more than the scale. I know how much better I feel. When at the chiro the other day I had to go to the car to get my wallet and could easily run there and back and was not out or breath when I got back.

    @susan2396 - Your vacation photos look amazing. I hope those feelings stay with you for a while.

    @humbleheart - Welcome

    @GOINSTD12 - I am so very glad you can make those lunch workouts. That kind of dedication will pay off for you.

    @tanya949 - Stress eating os one of my vices as well. Sometimes I can fight it off but not lately. I know when I get at the tasks that are bothering me most the stress levels drop dramatically.

    AFM - Stress levels are still running high. I am finishing up several larger jobs this weekend for work. I will be working on Sunday so I can take the next couple of Sundays off to train.
    Son's court hearing went well. Next court date is in June.
    Hubby is back to work yesterday and is going in today.
    Weigh in went well yesterday, I am back on my ticker. So hopefully I will be down again next week. I am just 6 pounds away from being out of the obese BMI!

    Love to all,
    Lori <3