Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Aimee- Great time on the treadmill for the 5K.

    Kelley- I love the new picture and hearing about your trip. The trip sounds amazing.

    Jeanette- Snow, Snow and more Snow as I was flying in on Sunday, my brother told me that it was snowing in Maryland. We mostly had rain but it did snow and thankfully, it did not lay. I hope that is winter's last hurrah.

    Tanya- I like the idea of a wall sit and plank challenge. I really do need to focus on my core.

    Susan- Next time I visit Vegas, I want to do the hike at Lake Meade, it sounds like fun and a beautiful hike.

    April challenge- I like the idea of rededicating myself to this journey.

    Tonight, I realized that I will NOT complete a sprint triathlon in April as I originally planned. Part of the reason is that I feel I am not ready to do the tri as well as I want and I don't think 4 weeks will make a huge difference. 2nd I don't need the added stress of training for a triathlon at this point. School will be crazy enough without that added stress. However, there is a Super sprint triathlon that I will do in the beginning of June. The distances are shorter: swim 300 M, 5.5 mile bike, and 1.25 mile run. I have no doubt that I can do this in under 1 hour so I just need to learn how to transition from event to event. This will give me an opportunity to really train for this event. Part of me is not happy right now with this choice since I feel that I am letting myself down. I can decide later this week to do the April Sprint Triathlon I just need to pay more money but it goes to a good cause. If I don't do it then I can help at Special Olympics like I wanted to do in the first place. Choices and choices and more choices=== to much stress.

    I had a good workout tonight and my trainer taught me some bike drills. One legged pedaling alternating legs and length of interval- started with 30 seconds all the way to 1:30. Then to bring it back down we switched to resistance drills level 18 on a spin bike from a 1:30 down to 30 seconds. After that we did some running drills and I finished with a slow run for a couple of laps. It felt good to get back to working out hard again.

    Have a great day tomorrow.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    I love the April Renaissance idea. Since we're done with the weigh-ins at the shoe store, I need some extra inspiration to keep the momentum going! We're getting into New-Year's-Resolution-Quitting Season here and a little rebirth is just the thing! Let's make this next month count! :drinker:

    April Challenge- I like the plank and wall sit challenge idea, too. I'm in! I think I'm going to shoot for 5/7 days, increasing the length of time over the course of the month. I'll have to see what tomorrow morning brings for a base time for each....can't remember the last time I did a wall sit, and I haven't planked in months.

    @L2T- You are an inspiration! Congratulations on being overweight!! (That does sound funny. :smile: )

    @Aimee- Great job on your 5K! And *woot* to the weight loss...getting ever closer to kissing the 200's goodbye!

    @Skinny- Great work on your March challenge! I found that I really wasn't eating as many veggies as I thought I was and had to push to get more in to get at least 3 servings many days. So glad we went green for March.

    @Susan- Wow! You and Laurie were hiking maniacs. No wonder you were so tired after more than 10 miles done in one day!

    @Nettie- Boooooo to the snow! Hopefully it melts fast, but not too muddy feet on the new bamboo floors, right? :wink:

    @Kah- I bet that 5 lbs comes off fairly easy once you push the water and get back to your regularly scheduled life of staying under calories and logging everything.

    @Tracy- Blizzard?!? Blech. Hope you're able to come up with a good plan for the weekends with your husband.

    @Kaye- Nice walk!

    @Laurie- Good luck with your triathlon decision...I hate too many choices, too. Sounds like it's a worthy cause no matter what you choose.

    I still have about one hour left of March here...and I want to 4/4 with sharing a recipe that I tried. Here's the Mukimo I made last week. It's like mashed potatoes, but greener.

    4 large potatoes, chopped
    1 small onion, diced
    1-2 cloves crushed garlic
    1/2 tsp salt
    3 cups of spinach, chopped
    1 16-oz bag frozen corn
    1 16-oz bag frozen peas
    2 Tbsp olive oil

    Put potatoes, onion, garlic and salt in a pot with water to the cover the tops of the potatoes. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to med-high and simmer until potatoes are tender.
    Add spinach, corn and peas, and cook until water is totally evaporated.
    Add olive oil, salt and pepper to taste and sauté until spinach is tender.
    Remove from heat and mash entire mixture until it resembles mashed potatoes.

    I did okay for the March challenge...could use some more sleep. :yawn:
    4/4 weeks: Try a new veggie or do something new with an old veggie and share the recipe.
    25/31 days: Eat 3-5 servings of veggies.
    7/31 nights: Get 8 hours of sleep.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Short post to say hi and that the week was good, this week is starting out great. eating good walked, drank water! tomorrow will be good to as it is all planned out. lost 0.9 lbs, so that is good, ok. I would like to loose 1.5 per week but each week is different. I hope to post a larger number next week, we will see.

    I need to catch up on the post, the weekends are hard for me to find time to read.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Okay, I'm definitely in for the April renaissance. I think that, because of the problems which I still have with my knees, I will skip the wall sits and planks.
    For my rededication I will be under my calories each day, walk nearly every day, avoid using my exercise calories, control the BLTs, and increase my water.
    I didn't finish the March challenge very strong. The stress and travel got in the way.
    Congratulations on all of the successes. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Rough day, and I felt I needed to log in to stay accountable. I feel like I'm going to be making a decision between sleep, exercise and being the completely dedicated student I've always been over the next two days and I'm not liking it one bit. Came back from a review session with my professor, who gave us over 200 foreign policy and intelligence terms we need to know (with examples) by 8:00am Thursday, as well as 3 pages of concepts which we haven't covered in class or lectures. Side of my left leg is hurting/tingling (sort of like shin splints... but on the side of my left leg?) with impact and I'm a bit worried for my race on Saturday. Weighed in today and I'm 2.5 pounds up from my last weigh in a week ago. I have no idea how that would be possible unless the dining hall food is much more caloric than my estimates (or than the nutritional info), and it's bringing me down ore than it should.

    But, I did not comfort myself with food, I got a zumba class and 20 mins of exercise in, stayed under my cals, and I'm going to try to do it all tomorrow and the next day. So I guess I'm proud of that.

    I will NOT binge the next few days.

    Thank you all for being a place to get support and stay accountable.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Happy April, everyone! Hard to believe that 1/4 of 2014 is already gone. We're supposed to have a warm (78) and sunny day. At last. Barring a work emergency, I'm going to yoga and then will take my pup on a walk this afternoon. It'll be so nice to get out in the fresh (although filled with pollen) air.

    @kah - Why can't we be independently wealthy and travel as much as we'd like? I feel the same as you: I spent too much time not going and doing to spend any more. I have a trip to Boston/Maine already planned for June, but need to start contemplating the next one.What cruise line do you like best? I want to do either a PNW/Alaska or NE/Canada cruise next year.

    @tanya - I'm not quite ready for a plank challenge, but am working on my core so I can participate the next time. Pilates is great, but really hard!

    @aimee - Congrats on your run time!

    @nettie - Watched TWD last night and it was as I feared. Terminus is not a good place. Did you notice the shot of the box of powered milk outside the trailer? Guess that means Judith, Carol and Tyreese are there.... or were.

    @skinnyjeanz - I like your April Renaissance goal. That's mine as well. I just can't afford to slack off and let myself fall back into bad habits. Every calorie counts.

    @laurie- You're smart to consider what is right for you. If April is too soon and would stress you out, I say plan for June instead. You're not letting yourself down, you're just taking a step back and planning to do it when the time is right for you.

    @rainandwood - you should be proud. Anytime we choose something other than food for comfort, it's a big victory!

    @susan, @skinnyjeans, @hansea - It does feel a bit odd to celebrate being overweight. But, I'll take that label and wear it with pride... for now.

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk DONE
    Sunday - Rest Day DONE
    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch (missed due to electrical issue)
    Tuesday - Yoga
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @L2T- I can't wait to say that I'm overweight, too! It seems such a long way off...but, I will get there! You definitely have something to be proud about. I love that you're saying 'for now'. What a non-complacent thought!

    @Rain- Your gain could be stress or salt related. I'm so impressed that you've been losing weight on campus. I remember trying so hard to do it when I was in college. It's so hard when you're on a meal plan at school. On the one hand, you don't have to dedicate a lot of time to meal prep, but on the other, you have no idea what's what. I wonder if your cafeteria would have nutrition info available to students? That could help you out.
    As far as choosing between school and exercise, don't feel like you're doing something wrong if you back off on exercise for a bit to concentrate on your studies. Fit fitness in where you can. School is important. You will find the right balance.
    Wonderful that you're not binging too! What a success!

    @Ushkii- Awesome walking and water! Is the wife joining you?

    Did my wall sit and plank this morning. 30 seconds each.

    My goals this week are to make sure I pack my lunches every evening before bed and stay on top of keeping the house picked up. I don't want all the spring cleaning I did last week to be lost to the clutter! :)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm down 1.3 pounds this morning. That puts me below 170. I honestly can't remember when I was last this low. There's nothing like a loss to motivate me. Its a good way to start a new month.
    Rain-Don't stress over that gain. If you only weigh once a week, you don't have a picture of your normal fluctuations. It may not be a gain at all. Good luck with school. You can get in a bit of exercise to clear your head and take a break once in a while. It will help you study more efficiently.
    Have a great day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hope I have got this right folks, Oh, and HAPPY APRIL !



    I will NOT settle for anything less than total victory.
    I will NOT plan and strive for anything less than what I know is right for me.
    I will NOT become complacent and allow myself to do this with less than 100% effort.
    I will NOT ever give up or quit.

    Exercise Challenge:

    Challenge yourself to do a Core Exercise such as Planks or Wall Sit-Ups, or ones you prefer.

    Copy this down and put it someplace where you can see it everyday!!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    It's the 1st of the month so I have to take measurements and progress pictures.

    April Renaissance:
    Like a few of you, I also feel I need to rededicate myself to this. It seems like since I switched exercise routines I am having a difficult time with the scale. I am seeing constant fluctuations, wonky things with Fitbit in my diary as far as activity. Over all I feel like I could focus more and do much better. Count me in.

    ~losing 3 lbs
    ~increasing protein - I have been slacking on this
    ~exercise - C25K 3x a week, 3 x a week strength training (To be determined depending on my mood) and 1 rest day. (I really have been slacking in terms of exercise :blushing: )
    ~Planks - I will give it a try! I am not sure what my starting time is.

    Lives- Love the idea of calling it Renaissance. I minored in art in college and studied the Renaissance extensively.

    Susan -
    Sounds like you had a wonderful time this past weekend. When I went to Vegas a few years ago with my friend we hiked Red Rock and Lake Meade. I loved it.
    I do not know when they will let us know about the jobs. We have until 4/2 to get our letters in. I am not quite sure what the process will be after that. I am guessing there will be some type of interview process for us to go through before they let us know.

    Lives - You should proudly display your number in the ticker. 101 lost is A M A Z I N G!!! I don't know if there is a way to show both in the ticker. I have not really played around with it so I am no help.
    I am with you on the clothes issue. It seems so wasteful to buy new clothes for a month or two before having to give them away because they are too big. I have two pairs of work pants that I bought in late fall that are getting too big. I have not been able to give them away yet because in my mind they are still new. I usually donate my old clothes to a church rather than sell them. But that's just me. It seems like too much of a hassle to sell them.
    Congrats on being overweight! Great NSV.

    Kah - I do not allow the negative adjustments on Fitbit but allow it to sync. The same thing happened to me yesterday. It logged my activity in at 203 calories burned. I closed my entry and went to bed. This morning I woke up and my calories burned changed to 165. Yesterday's change didn't matter much because I had a little over 200 calories left for the day. It really annoys me though when I am close to my range and eat something because I think I have enough left then it adjusts and I end up being over. :grumble:

    Tanya - Can you explain what wall sitting is for me? What do you have to do? What are the benefits of it?

    Aimee - Sorry to hear it snowed. But that is great that you were able to run inside and did good on your time!

    Skinny - TWD Spoiler Alert: I agree, I was happy they reunited. I liked when the new characters appeared behind Glen and Maggie and they said "They are our friends." and Daryl responded "Well they are our friends too." or something to that effect.

    Laurie - Glad to hear the snow did not lay by you. It was insane here yesterday. Started off with rain then turned to ice and quickly escalated to blizzard conditions right after the morning rush hour had begun. None of the weather reports predicted it so everyone was thrown for a loop. Brian works at the local university and normally takes him 20 minutes to get to work. It took him an hour and a half. He was telling me all about his commute last night. There were quite a few cars, buses and trucks that could not get up the hills and were stuck on the side of the road. He saw the volunteer firefighters come out of the fire house at one point and were attempting to help push cars up the hill. We ended up getting at least 4 inches of wet and heavy snow. I had to take the snow blower out to clear the driveway rather than break my back doing it by hand. I was not sure what I was going to do about work. Yesterday I was working in my student's homes and had quite a bit of traveling to do and my car is horrible in that kind of weather. As of 2 PM my road was still not plowed but seemed to melt down a inch or so. I decided to try to drive to work and hope it was just my road that was neglected, as usual. Sure enough it was. :grumble: I drove the 40 minutes out west to my student's home and was shocked when I saw they had no snow anywhere. I told his mother how I was debating cancelling our session because of the snow and that my road had not been plowed. She was shocked we had so much. I ended up taking a picture of my snow covered lawn when I got back home and sending it to her. Today it is sunny and temps in the low 50's so I imagine the rest of it should melt today. I am really hoping this is the last hurrah for winter. I am anxious to get outside and prep the garden.

    Sorry to hear that you decided not to compete as you had planned. But your reasoning makes sense and understand your decision.

    Hansea - Oh my goodness. Don't remind me of the muddy feet. Prior to the floors being torn out we had white ceramic tile going all throughout the house. You can imagine how insane I got with it every time my husband came in, didn't take off his shoes right away and did a quick wipe. The previous owners also put a black rug in our formal living room. I don't know which is worse the white floors or a black rug. With two long haired kitties I go insane with it. Replacing that carpet is on the list of things to do. :noway:

    Thanks for the recipe for Mukimo. Sounds very interesting!

    Kaye - I am having pains in my knees as well ever since running in the gym with the kiddies last week. I don't know what I did. The pain comes and goes so I have been trying to do things that don't require me to overexert myself on days that I feel good. I din't know if it is the right thing to do or not but I feel terrible if I don't get any physical activity in.

    Rain - YIKES. That sounds like you have to know a lot.

    Skinny and Laurie - Do you have a lot of students opting out of testing in your areas? I saw a report this morning on the opt out numbers for various LI school districts. Quite a few districts have 200 or more students opting out. I see both sides of the argument on it but I am not quite sure where I stand on the issue. Mostly because I don't have to deal with testing so it doesn't have much effect on me personally.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Meant to include this food for thought in my earlier post in honor of the first day of our April Renaissance:

    "A higher rate of urgency does not imply ever-present panic, anxiety, or fear. It means a state in which complacency is virtually absent."

    John P. Kotter
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I just did my stats for March. I am quite surprised with the results. I am still going to rededicate myself for April because I know I have slacked on exercise and protein. I am getting frustrated with myself because I am not seeing losses every week like I did my first few months here. I am also seeing a lot more fluctuations too. In my mind, I am not pushing hard enough and doing enough. But after reviewing my results I see that I am working hard and doing very well. <SIGH> if only I could get my mind to agree with what my body is telling me. :ohwell:

    Here are my results for the month:
    Starting: Last Month: Current:
    Neck: 16.3 15.5 15.5
    Left arm: 17 15.5 15.5
    Right arm: 16.5 15.5 15.5
    Bust: 51 47 46
    Under Breast 41 41 39
    Waist: 50 46.5 46 (Feeling bloated this morning)
    Hips: 54.5 51 50
    Right thigh: 32 30 30
    Left thigh: 31 30 30
    BMI: 46.4 42.5 41.5

    Overall: 5 lbs and 3.5 inches lost in March! :love:

    Truth on waist: A few days ago I felt like I looked thinner in the waist. I was curious and measured my waist and hips. My number on the waist was smaller than I measured today. I do feel a bit bloated today and am up a lb from yesterday. I think TOM is starting to make a reappearance. :ohwell:
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    The rain let up so I am going to go around the block for my break, it us usually right around 15 min. This week started good, did all my goals Monday and today should be good, so as usual the week is starting good.
    Keeping the same goals and moving all to 4 out of 7 days, not sure if i ever make it all but will keep striving to be better, thanks for all the support and inspirational stories.

    hansea - Yes the wife walked with me to subway for lunch, we split a sub and walked back!
    rain - Watch the portion size and keep up the good work! It would be really hard to do college and lose weight at the same time.

    A under cal 4/7 days
    B Walk 30 min 4/7 days
    C Drink 8cups 4/7 days

    Mon: ABC
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @rainandwood~College is an extremely stressful time and stress can curtail weight loss - giving the deadlines you’ve had lately I suspect that gain this week is due to your cortisol levels. Try not to take on too much at once – stress you can’t always control, so to compensate just continue to make healthier choices in the dining hall and get in exercise whenever you can. Remember to load up on veggies and salads (but careful at the salad bar though) - if you feel you can't make a healthy choice choose what appeals to you and eat only half, that may help some. I'm sure also that the food is loaded with sodium. I remember when I was a freshmen in college, I didn't like the food in the dining hall so lived on ramen noodles and cereal in my dorm. :wink: Sometimes it’s hard to carve out an hour for exercise when you have so much going on, so try and find 15 minutes here and there to get in a walk or a short run – it will not only help to combat your stress but will also give your brain the break it needs. Hang in there.

    @Kaye~Congrats on a new low!

    @Nettie~I don’t think MFP is making negative adjustments, but rather making adjustments based on your actual activity for the day – it could be that its actually lower than what you originally logged based on activity after your scheduled workout? Great month!

    @L2T~I think Princess is my favorite cruise line, especially for Alaska – I love their itineraries and lodges. Royal Caribbean would be my runner up, they have better entertainment and their cabins are a bit larger on some ships. I’m doing a 7-day Canada/NE in the Fall (I hope) with Princess on their new ship, its port intensive but should be fun.

    @Laurie~Sounds like you had a great training session. Sorry you feel like you aren’t ready for the tri in April, but doing the Special Olympics event sounds like a good alternative – you’ll definitely be ready for the tri in June though.

    AFM~My horoscope said yesterday that it’s a time for new beginnings, so great timing for April Renaissance – I feel like I’ve been in limbo the last several months, so feel I need a restart. Today also starts new routine with my trainer, lots of outdoor stuff, so we’ll see how that goes – hope the threat of rain doesn’t interfere.

    April Renaissance:

    *Stay under calories
    *Lose the 5# I gained on vacation
    *planks daily

    Sunday~Training DONE!
    Monday~Cardio DONE! (Walked neighborhood)
    Tuesday~ Training
    Thursday~ Training
    Friday~Rest Day
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Tuesday Goals – Figure out what works; that is my goal, figure out what works before I get discouraged! I have been “at it” since January 7th and sure, I’ve lost 17 pounds, but I feel like nothing has been consistent. I’ve been on this journey before and I lost 70 pounds so I know I can do this! The weight isn’t dropping off like it did last time. I was losing at an average rate of 2 pounds a week. Of course I am 7-8 years older so maybe I need to get it into my brain that I will not see those type numbers again. I started doing what I did in the past, 1200 daily calorie allowance. I wasn’t seeing the loss the way I expected, so I played with my calorie allowance based on a “Lightly Active” or “Sedentary” lifestyle. Then, nothing really changed so I started looking into Eat More 2 Weight Less. I am half-assed trying this approach (I don’t have the courage to completely up my calories to my BMR as I just can’t see the math working out to a loss) I’ve nearly completed week two of EM2WL and have only lost 1 pound! I keep telling myself that doing the EM2WL for the last two weeks; I could have easily GAINED weight instead of losing the 1 pound. Oh and let me mention that I have been working my *kitten* off in the gym for the last two weeks minus a few days last week with a diverticulitis flair up that had me sidelined in the exercise department. My point, I have not been consistent in trying to find out what works for me and I am sure that I am not doing my body any favors right now! Maybe I am not giving my body enough time to react before changing my scheme of things again and again? How much time is enough time?

    I have committed to and completed three different challenges on MFP since January 7th and have not met my goal on ANY OF THEM! I have not set unrealistic goals (at least I don’t think so) because I have come oh so close on all of them! I am not as excited and psyched the way I was even a month ago and that scares me!

    Any comments, suggestions, snide remarks!

    @kah – I just LOVED reading about your cruise! Incredible! My daughter will be 21 next fall and she really wants to do a cruise. It’s on our wish list, probably for next year. I’m looking forward to you posting a link to your pictures!

    @nettie – My Fitbit does the same thing with the calorie adjustment, but like someone else (Tanya?) said, the adjustment is based on you continuing your activity level at or close to that same rate for the balance of the day. When you significantly “slow down” (for me, sitting on the couch for the rest of the night) the calorie adjustment will decrease. I find that the later in the day you “earn” your adjustment, the less it changes. This is why I am very careful to only allow myself to eat back only a portion of those “earned” calories.

    @Susan/Laurie/Tom – I am so glad to hear that you had such a great time! The picture is great!

    @Robin – I envy you for being able to rearrange your furniture. Like Susan, my apartment is laid out funny and doesn’t allow much creativity for my furniture. I bought a new TV over the weekend and my daughter and I are desperately trying to figure out the best setup without being the same ole, same ole. We may flip flop the living room and dining room spaces. Keep us posted on your pool workouts. I am waiting for the water to warm up a bit more and plan to make water aerobics a part of my workout routine.

    @Aimee – WOW am I impressed with your 5k time! And here I am, with a goal of finishing my Color Run in May under an hour! LOL Maybe next year’s Color Run I can actually think about running it instead of walking it!

    @Lives – I want to say thanks for your essay too! It has really made me step back and take a closer look (hence my rant above). And congrats on being “just” overweight! :wink:

    I wish I had more time for personals, but I am at work and my rant has already taken too much of my time!

    AFM: I am all in with the April Renaissance. What’s another challenge! Although, I would like for someone to explain the planks and wall sits. I know what “planking” is, I’ve seen plenty of pictures over the last few years, but how does everyone do them? What do you “plank” on? And, I have no clue what a wall sit is or how to do it.

    Until next time; wishing everyone peace, love and weight loss! :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    RobinB - regarding your rant - I think you should set a weight loss goal for the month and try and hit it any way you want to do it. I'd try for 3 lbs, and if you exceed that you'd feel very proud, I'd expect. I think you should be measuring yourself monthly too. And get photos going as well. This month is all about recommitment, so do as much as you possibly can do to get excited again.

    Aimee - are you the college student - sorry if i'm getting names screwed up. You can help your eating if you concentrate on high protein snacks during the day and then save some carb snack for the evening. THe protein will power you thru the day and keep you awake.

    My April Goals - it is disgusting about my health situation! I am still gaining weight due to it! I still need to "stuff something in my mouth to relieve the pain" and lately I've found that aspartame gum and lozenges are irritating my gums, so I'm using real sugar products. Rats. My doc has increased the drugs for this just today so maybe there will be a change this month.

    So my goals are this:
    1. Do Water physical therapy exercises 5 times a week.
    2. Increase protein intake daily except late evening.
    3. Do NOT gain weight this month.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @RobinB~Its scary to think about eating more to lose weight, but it really is true. I didn’t have the courage to up mine to where it really should be either so compromised, meeting about half-way. Also, any time you make a change they say to allow six weeks for your body to adjust. I think you’ve given your body a double-whammy at the same time – increasing calories and hitting the gym hard. Your body is confused. Maybe allow things to settle down a bit - keep your activity where it is but don’t adjust your calories, let your body become adjusted to your fitness routine first then re-visit adjusting your calories. Baby steps. :wink: Like Robin suggested, set smaller goals this month.

    Planks can be done pretty much anywhere – at the gym, I do them on a Bosu ball or exercise ball but at home I just use the floor. Typical position for me is resting on my forearms and on the tips of my toes, keeping my back straight and holding the position until my arms basically give out which can be anywhere from 45-60 seconds depending on the form I'm doing. I used to be able to hold it longer but I've been really lax with them lately. You can start out slow with them also, by using a kitchen counter or a wall - there are different forms, You Tube is a great resource for ideas.
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    RobinB - regarding your rant - I think you should set a weight loss goal for the month and try and hit it any way you want to do it. I'd try for 3 lbs, and if you exceed that you'd feel very proud, I'd expect. I think you should be measuring yourself monthly too. And get photos going as well. This month is all about recommitment, so do as much as you possibly can do to get excited again.

    Thanks for your feedback Robin!

    The three challenges I have done so far on MFP have all been weight loss goals. Weight loss in itself is not the problem, as I have recorded a loss every single week since January 7th even if it's .4 pounds, it's the RATE at which I am losing that has me discouraged (maybe impatient is the better word)!! :grumble: I did take pictures on Day 1 and I am only a few pounds away from taking new ones and then I will continue after every 25 pounds lost instead of on a month basis. I feel like pictures every 25 pounds will be more noticable than taking them monthly. At least until I get into ONEderland! I wish I had done measurements on Day 1 and it never really occured to me as I had never used that measurement in the past. Over the weekend, it was my intention to buy a tape measure and start doing monthly mearsurements (starting today, 4/1) but got sidetracked with the unplanned TV purchase! :ohwell:

    Maybe I am just being a big baby who is just too impatient! Maybe I need to NOT worry about people who have had big losses in a short time period and realize that I am not them and it's ok to move at a slower pace. Maybe I need to let go of any definitive timeline on my weight loss. Maybe I need to go back and reread Karen's "JUST" essay! And maybe typing this all out loud will help it sink in. :happy:
  • pashunrose39
    pashunrose39 Posts: 319 Member
    The loss our family has been feeling from the loss of our Buddy has hit hard. I am now back on track and have lost an additional 2lbs. Unfortunately, I've started smoking after 2 years of being smoke free. The stress and sadness being felt has been too much. To top things off, my daughter has inflamation on her lungs along with other symptons.The doctor is doing tests to rule things out and find the cause. She's only 25 with a family of her own.

    This coming weekend, I'm going to my aunt and uncle's house to get away from things for a few days. My brother won't be joining us because he is leaving to go back north. I will miss him dearly, BUT, it will be nice to have the house to myself with my loving and supportive hubby.

    Thank you for the support in here. Motivation and support is certainly a key ingredient in losing weight as well as making it through the rough spots in life.
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    @RobinB~Its scary to think about eating more to lose weight, but it really is true. I didn’t have the courage to up mine to where it really should be either so compromised, meeting about half-way. Also, any time you make a change they say to allow six weeks for your body to adjust. I think you’ve given your body a double-whammy at the same time – increasing calories and hitting the gym hard. Your body is confused. Maybe allow things to settle down a bit - keep your activity where it is but don’t adjust your calories, let your body become adjusted to your fitness routine first then re-visit adjusting your calories. Baby steps. :wink: Like Robin suggested, set smaller goals this month.

    Planks can be done pretty much anywhere – at the gym, I do them on a Bosu ball or exercise ball but at home I just use the floor. Typical position for me is resting on my forearms and on the tips of my toes, keeping my back straight and holding the position until my arms basically give out which can be anywhere from 45-60 seconds depending on the form I'm doing. I used to be able to hold it longer but I've been really lax with them lately. You can start out slow with them also, by using a kitchen counter or a wall - there are different forms, You Tube is a great resource for ideas.

    YIKES! Six weeks??? Yeah, I need to get a grip and be patient with my body! I didn't realize that it took so long to adjust to change. I guess that would explain that no matter what I do, nothing changes. Well, I hadn't given myself more than a week before scrapping it and trying something else. Patience is a virtue, just not one of mine! (I think I just read that somewhere!)
    And I whole-heatedly agree with the baby steps when it comes to the EM2WL, I split the difference with MFP recommendations and my BMR and I am still struggling to eat all those calories. I am under (sometimes by a couple hundred calories) nearly everyday. I will hang tough and maybe shift my concentration on continuing to prepare for The Color Run and not so much on the scale.

    Thank you to you too, for your feedback! I respect the opinions and advice of those that have "been there, done that"!