Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Dschnei475
    Dschnei475 Posts: 129 Member
    Ok Saturday Success....

    I cut a minute and 15 seconds off my mile time tonight :)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good morning, its too early to be up, but I'm having trouble sleeping. DH was having trouble speaking when he went to bed last night. I won't know until I see how he is this morning whether it was another Tia or full-on stroke. I promised him, the last time he had a Tia, that I would not take him to the hospital again unless he had significant symptoms which made him too difficult for me to care for him. The doctor has told us that, because of the frequency of the incidents, there is nothing they can do. The clot busting drugs are too risky now. It is sure hard!
    Susan, thanks for the kind words. Daddy does have all of those documents, and my sister is power of attorney, but you would be amazed at how many decisions still have to be made. The most pressing one right now is to find an appropriate care facility which will not deplete his funds too quickly. Yesterday the business office at the facility where he is told us that they are only about 30 days away from getting a VA contract. That would be an answer to our prayers. It is a wonderful place, and near my sister's home.
    We are scheduled to head home today. I hope DH is well enough to travel comfortably. I do have a reservation at a hotel which is at the half-way point, so I only have to face 4-5 hours each day.
    Thanks for being my sounding board. I really needed someone to 'talk' to.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Saturday -
    Brian decided to save costs on our new floors that he would take out the old floors himself. Each night this week he came home and removed some. Last night he finished. I love that he is trying to be handy and save us money but oh my goodness did he make a lot of dust. I suffer from allergies so you can just imagine what all of this is doing to my respiratory system. It was so bad last night I ended up taking 2 allergy pills. Of course that knocked me out and I didn't wake up until 9 am this morning. I woke up to find my husband gone and in his place was one of my cats. LOL I never sleep that late. Today his plan is to remove the dining room floor. We decided to replace that floor as well since it flows into the foyer and hall and we want it all to match. We do have 1 company and then our contractor coming today to give us estimates. We have used our contractor, John, before to put in an attic staircase, finish the attic, install a water line to our fridge and a new kitchen floor. We like him a lot and are pleased with the job he does but he takes very long time to get the job done. He typically has 2-3 projects going at a time so he will come and work half days on your project. We are going to see how the company compares to his price and get 1-2 more estimates before we decide who we are going with. I am excited though. It will be nice to have actual flooring again instead of that concrete mess we were left with after the plumbing fiasco.

    Thanks everyone for the good wishes for the jobs. I am applying for 3 different positions; summer school teacher, STEP teacher for summer and fall (my current position), and Home Programming Supervisor (similar job to what I do for my agency). STEP and the supervisor positions are part-time and would be after summer school. It would be a nice chunk of money coming in. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I am selected for all three positions. They money would really help me knock down my student loans a bit and give me extra money for a new shed which we desperately need. Also this will give me an additional opportunities to prove my skills as a teacher within district and make a name for myself. I am hoping these positions would eventually lead to something long term. :wink:

    Hansea - That is ironic that your daughter isn't a sweets person. When I was younger I would not even try cheesecake because I thought it was weird. But back then I imagined a few slices of american cheese stuck on a Betty Crocker cake. It wasn't until I was much older and tried it. Boy was I missing out!!! I also was that odd child who would ask for 2nd and 3rd helpings of vegetables at dinner. I always tell my parents that they should have known back then it was my destiny to become vegetarian. :laugh:
    I love asparagus. When I make it I put it in a baking dish, pour a little olive oil and balsamic and mix. Then I sprinkle diced garlic, some seasoned breadcrumbs and parm on top. (not a lot, just a little for flavor) Bake for about 20-30 minutes. It comes out so good. I also like to season them with olive oil and balsamic then toss on the BBQ. Equally as delish!

    Susan - That is great that you and Laurie were able to meet at baggage claim. Did you recognize each other instantly? I hope the three of you had a nice visit together!
    Glad to hear your Fitbit was found!

    jtconst - LOL to getting the time wrong. That is something that would happen to me. :laugh:
    Ouch to your finger but yum to the soup! I keep my knives very sharp too. I constantly taste my soups too as they are cooking. Every time I walk into the kitchen to give it a stir I have to taste. LOL

    Tracy - I was wondering what was going on with you and Fitbit. I noticed you have been unranked but didn't want to be rude and ask. I hope you find your Fitbit. I have misplaced mine on a few occasions. Too bad they didn't have tracking technology on it to help us find it. :laugh:

    Kah - Welcome back!!!! I love the new profile pic. I am with Lives, I cannot wait to hear all about your trip. :happy: I would love to see the photos from your trip!

    kwcrane - Welcome!

    Tom - Congrats on the new weight! Hope you, Laurie and Susan had fun together.

    aimeemarie - Oh no. Hope your aches go away soon. I give you a lot of credit for trying to run while being bruised. Hopefully that does not effect your upcoming 5K. :flowerforyou:

    Skinny - :laugh: Your post to Susan regarding the donuts made me LOL.
    Thanks for understanding with my slacking and advice with the knee. I ended up pulling out my step last night and used that while watching Dateline. I worked up a nice sweat. I noticed as long as I didn't twist my knee at all I was ok. Thankfully I have no aches and pains today. We are having another rainy day today but at least it is warming up and I can open the windows. :ohwell:
    Sorry to hear you went over yesterday but I love your honesty about it. I have days like that sometimes too.
    I like your new profile picture a lot!

    Rain - Best of luck to you on midterms! I definitely do not envy you with the stress this time of year brings.

    Dschnei475 - Congrats for cutting your time. That is a wonderful NSV!

    Kaye - I am sorry to hear about your husband. Sending well wishes his way.
    Also sending wishes your way to help you through this stressful time. You have had it very rough the last few days/weeks. My heart goes out to you.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - thanks for handling the roll-over. I think someday soon I will be back up to speed and spending time daily on this thread. After my steroid shot the other day I had to be on absolute rest for 48 hours and I kinda forgot what was going on in my own little world and spaced EVERYTHING off. It was kinda fun actually. Just watched a lot of TV. Now I'm back to the real world and I start my water PT today. In fact I will be going down to the pool after I finish this post.
    Very COOL profile pic. Its used over there as avertisements? WOW !!!!

    Welcome to any Newbies who have joined lately. Thanks for making this thread a part of your weight loss journey. It can be so helpful to you to join in the running conversations and share your trials and successes.

    Kah - welcome back - it sounds like you had so much fun - except for that nasty burn! :blushing: peeling skin is such a nuisance! The reunion with Zoe must have been extra sweet.

    Kaye - I have been reading about your fathers surgery and recovery with great interest and frequent prayers for him and you. Modern medicine makes recovery from these severe injuries almost certain, no matter how old or weak we are. It is astonishing how good the care is now. I'm glad your happy with the place he is in now and I hope it works out that he can stay there. ALso, as you and Susan discussed, I am glad that all the proper paperwork has been done. Everytime I read about your family I am struck with how wonderful, amazing, and close it is.. Thank goodness your sister is so close to the facility and is willing to help so much.
    As for your husband and his TIA's, I also understand that situation quite well. My father started having them in his 60's. After running to the ER every time they happened, he decided that was ridiculous and a waste of time. He and my step mother made the same kind of arrangement you and your DH made. I think its quite sensible, but still puts a lot of anxiety on you and how you live. When one happens, the whole next 24 hours are filled with anxiety.
    I will keep all of you in my prayers.

    AFM - I am starting my pool therapy today. A little nervous about walking through the halls - ha ha, I don't have anything appropriate to cover my swim suit, need to rummage about, but most likely will opt for a big towel like I see the young healthy people do.
    THen I'm going to enjoy this 40 degree day with a friend by going for a ride to help them look at new cars. Tomorrow - its supposed to be in the mid-70's!!!!
  • Chrissie056
    Chrissie056 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone. My name is Christina. I'm 29 and I am currently living in Delaware.
    I am new to my fitness pal. I have always struggled with weight, but after a unhealthy marriage and divorce my weight hit all time high! 380lbs. In 2011 I had lapband surgery. At first I was really on track and focused, but then I slacked off.. lost motivation. My weight was down to 275lbs, now back up to 308lbs. Im looking for motivators and others to share my journey with. Please feel free to add me. Thank you.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Nettie~Sounds like Brian is creating quite a lot of dust with removing the old floors, hope the dust settles soon and your allergies subside. Good luck with your job hunt, I hope they see what an asset you are to those special children and offer you something permanent. How is your running coming along?

    @Kaye~Sorry to hear about your DHs TIA attack, I know it’s scary when that happens and it’s unavoidable. I hope he is feeling well this morning.

    @Robin~Zoe was very excited to see me walk through the door, she has been my shadow ever since – just always underneath my feet. I can tell she was spoiled with treats while I was gone though, every time I go near that cabinet she talks my ear off! :laugh: Hooray for some PT in your pool, hope it goes well. I just wear an extra-long t-shirt over my swimsuit as a cover-up.

    @Susan~I’m so excited for your cruise, I know you and Cyrus will have a fun time! How awesome that you got to meet up with Tom and Laurie – I’m so sorry I missed you while you were in Dallas.

    @Karen~Those pesky Doritos just taunting you! :wink: I’m sorry you haven’t accomplished everything you set out to do while on break, hope you were able to take a little break from grading and enjoy your week though.

    Had make my own coffee again today! :frown: The hill intervals my trainer had me do at the park yesterday seems to have aggravated my Achilles – it’s too nice outside to go to the gym today, so hope a long walk later will help do it more good than harm. Today I also need to get my car washed and grocery shopping done – I’m actually going to have to cook! :sad:

    In an effort to detox my liver a little after vacation, I’ve been drinking a detox water – for those that don’t like water and are looking to add flavor, fruit infused waters are the way to go. Here is the recipe I’ve been making the last couple of days, it is very tasty. I drink regular water as well, but have been drinking one pitcher of this daily. I put it together the night before and it good to go by morning. You can also change this up a bit by subbing lemons and/or limes for the grapefruit and tangerine.

    Detox Water

    1/2 gallon filtered water
    6 wedges of grapefruit
    1 Tangerine, sliced
    1/2 Cucumber, sliced
    2 Mint Leaves

    Just add all ingredients to the water, mix and allow to chill for at least 2 hours. Drink throughout the day
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Good afternoon! In an effort to be more productive, I'm going to skip personals for now. Got a couple of things done, but thought of a few more. Right now I'm wavering between heading to the gym (what I want to do) and grading (what I should do). I will walk gunner and see how I feel when I get back.

    1. finish grading
    2. prep for next week (this will require a trip to school)
    3. enter grades (this will require a trip to school)
    4. clean fish tank
    5. clean bathroom
    6. wash the rest of the throw rugs DONE
    7. clean junk off dining room table
    8. clean floors DONE
    9. prepare lunch & snacks for work next week
    10. get pedicure
    11. do taxes
    12. brush gunner's teeth

    March Challenge:
    1. 2/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 25/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 28/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. 23/70 AP essays

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Fri--run outside w/ gunner WALKED GUNNER INSTEAD
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--run outside w/ gunner
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Saturday Success. I'm now on day 5 of a streak and have only gone over one day on my calories (stupid late night snacking!!).

    @Tanya...I can relate to the soreness. I still have a lingering cough and man does that hurt after focusing on my core workout.
    @Kaye...How often is he having those TIA episodes? My father in law has one about every 7 years (I know, it's weird). He goes blind for a while and then when he starts to see, he can't think straight for about another half hour. My dad lost his hearing to TIA. They are the weirdest thing and nothing anyone can do about them???? Frustrating. Hope it was just that though instead of a stroke. Keep us posted.
    @Jeanette...if I didn't have a klepto 7 year old daughter, nothing would be lost. She's terrible!!! If we're missing something, look in her room. She gets punished but it doesn't stop her. Luckily she sticks to just our stuff, but man it's annoying!
    @Karen... I think it's a great picture and really cool that they are using it for advertisement -- do you get paid?? :laugh: :laugh:
    @Robin...I use a big t-shirt as a cover up when I'm around home. Although I sprung for a nice one for our vacation that looks more like a casual dress. Enjoy your pool PT. We are a day ahead of you with the warm weather...we've got 60's today and 50's tomorrow and then back to the 30-40 range. The bad part is that Jacob is being punished for lack of school work and chores, so I'm stuck inside. Good thing is that I have the patio doors open and we're getting some spring cleaning done.

    AFM. Today is a beautiful day and I hope to get to enjoy it a little (see note to Robin as to why I am not). Emma has a basketball game at 3:00 and a birthday party at 4:00. Then the circus is in town and she wants to go. We're still not sure if that is happening as Michael didn't know about it and has planned on taking the kids to the Muppet Movie (I've always hated the muppets and told the kids that if they want to see it, their dad would have to take them). We'll see. I'm kind of hoping she gives in and goes to the movie and I would have an evening to myself!!! :flowerforyou:

    Today I plan to:
    *drink my water
    *Do my trainer's assigned workout with my sis at 4:30 today
    *stay within calories
    *finish laundry
    *put all laundry away (I do it, but it doesn't always make it out of the baskets into closets and dressers :blushing: )
    *if I have the evening to myself, I will clean my bedroom

    Have a wonderful Saturday!!!
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Eating real good today, tilled the garden and drank my water already.

    Was under my cal count yesterday but did not drink water. 15 min walk so that does not count. It has been a good week so If I can make it til tomorrow I should be good.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Saturday Success:
    I got 10 more essays graded. Now I'm headed home to do some cooking--will get #9 done in the process. I'm making chicken sausage w/ peppers--should have enough left over for a couple of lunches at least.

    Tonight I will also clean the fish tank and perhaps the bathroom as well. Tomorrow will be more grading and a pedicure appt. in the afternoon. I doubt I'll have time to get to school to prep and enter grades. Fortunately, I have Monday prepped already, so no worries there. I also don't see the taxes getting done this weekend. :ohwell: Good thing I still have 2 weeks.

    1. finish grading
    2. prep for next week (this will require a trip to school)
    3. enter grades (this will require a trip to school)
    4. clean fish tank
    5. clean bathroom
    6. wash the rest of the throw rugs DONE
    7. clean junk off dining room table
    8. clean floors DONE
    9. prepare lunch & snacks for work next week
    10. get pedicure
    11. do taxes
    12. brush gunner's teeth

    March Challenge:
    1. 2/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 25/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 28/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. 33/70 AP essays

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Fri--run outside w/ gunner WALKED GUNNER INSTEAD
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--run outside w/ gunner
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Skinnyjeans< I love your new picture...I'd love to go to Switzerland, my grandfather was Swiss

    Kaye, so sorry you have to go through the Tia's with your DH. I hope he's alright.

    Sat Success: stayed on track fairly well, and had fun re-learning to play the piano...I'm learning easy, kid songs to play for the grandkids. so far it's a hit..
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thank you for your concern. We made it safely to our destination for today, and are enjoying some much needed down time. DH seems fine today, but decided that I should drive. TIAs are such a wild card. They really are a stroke, just don't last as long. It is harder to tell how much permanent damage is done. His always effect his speech center so he has speech effasia (sp?). Each time he has one his speech is effected. It is still a bit halting today. I hope it clears up some more. The last full stroke was 2 years ago, the last TIA, 1 year ago.
    I will be glad to get home and back on routine. I don't feel like I have gained any weight, but I haven't been logging so we will see.
    Have a great weekend. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
    bump :flowerforyou:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--glad to hear your DH is doing better today and that your trip home is going well.

    @mel--thanks about the picture.Switzerland was gorgeous--I would love to go back to visit my friends but it's so expensive. Maybe in a couple of years if they are still there.

    @ushkii--15 minutes is better than nothing. Glad you are staying on track with the calories. :drinker: Chug-a-lug that water!

    @tracy--My DH asked the same thing about getting "royalties" for the use of my image. :laugh: My mom used to always get mad at my dad when he would ground us b/c she said it was really just punishing her. He was off at work all day and she was stuck enforcing the punishment.

    @kelley--Even though I've had to work a lot this week, it's still better than trying to get everything done WHILE working all day. So funny that you aren't used to cooking or even making your own coffee! :laugh: Can't wait to hear about some of the highlights from the trip.

    @christina--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @robin--the picture is part of a new ad campaign for the SBB (Swiss Rail System). I know the photos are on their website, but I'm not sure if that's the extent of it. I will have to check with my friends over there and see if we are on posters at the train stations. Wouldn't that be a hoot?!?! :laugh: Glad you get to start your pool therapy. I have a summer dress and also a sarong that I use interchangeably as swimsuit cover-ups, but a towel or long t-shirt works equally well. :smile:

    @nettie--I'm excited for your new floors! We could use that update in our house. We have hardwoods that we had refinished when we moved in, and we were told they would need to be replaced the next time b/c they can only sand them down so much. That was 2001 and gunner's claws have done a number on them; plus, they are starting to separate in some spots. The bedrooms are actually still in good shape, but the living/dining area are pretty worn. You'll have to post pictures when they are all done. :smile:

    @rain--glad you are keeping it together during this busy time.

    @susan, laurie, & tom--glad you had a nice dinner yesterday. :flowerforyou:

    AFM--I've shortened my list a bit. Took off the tasks that would require a visit to school (b/c that's just not going to happen) and the stuff I finished. Will work on the cleaning tasks tonight, and then tomorrow will be devoted to grading and the pedi. :smile:

    Some folks mentioned some nicer weather--we are also supposed to get near 60 tomorrow, but then temps will dip back to the 40s. At least it looks like the sub-freezing weather is gone (<knocks on wood>).

    On a completely different note, my student teacher from last semester called me yesterday. He finally got cleared to sub in our district, and I wanted to know if he could cover my classes while I'm out for a conference in a couple of weeks. I knew he was interviewing for a maternity leave, but that wasn't supposed to start until May. However, our boss called him yesterday to tell him the pregnant teacher has been ordered to bed rest and won't be returning to school. (She's carrying twins so it's not a huge surprise her doctor ordered her to bed--I will find out more about her condition on Monday--crossing my fingers it's not too serious). Anyway, my former student teacher is coming in to cover her classes though he's still not sure if this means he automatically gets the maternity leave position though it's likely. It's good news for him though I'm sad he won't be able to sub for me.

    1. finish grading
    2. clean fish tank
    3. clean bathroom
    4. clean junk off dining room table
    5. get pedicure
    6. do taxes
    7. brush gunner's teeth

    March Challenge:
    1. 2/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 25/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 28/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. 33/70 AP essays

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Fri--run outside w/ gunner WALKED GUNNER INSTEAD
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Sun--run outside w/ gunner
  • Damensha
    Damensha Posts: 62 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Bump so I don't lose it before I catch up again! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Karen-every time see your 'to-do' list I chuckle. I can easily imagine the dining room table because I pile stuff on any available flat surface.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Saturday Success: weighed in at 219.0 this morning. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Went to lunch at Shoeless Joe's and was able to stop eating when full and bring the rest home for dinner. That was only half my daily calories so I had to struggle a bit to eat more, but needing more protein it was important I did. (also needed to eat above BMR). Still ended up about 200 calories under, which is a first in a long while. We walked a lot today but I didn't bother counting that, its was in bits and pieces. My shopping list is made and there is a lot of quinoa in my recipes for this week. I'm focusing on making lunches that don't need to be heated up so I can eat them while I'm out on my route and not have to wait until after 2 pm to heat them up back at the station. I was quite tired today so I'm heading to bed early... my BF snores so I didn't get a good sleep last night. :frown:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Kaye - glad you made it home safely. I do hope your DH speech continues to improve back to normal.

    Skinny -theres one thing I know about wood floors and thats either stilletto heels or big dogs will damage the heck out of them.
    I enjoy your lists too - I make one every day on a pad of paper and then I have to keep flipping over pages because I keep filling up space and leaving things undone - its a wild list. Of course, I like to write down things that aren't just chores, obtuse facts and such get jotted down too.

    Tanya - WOOT On the 219.0 weigh in !!!! :love: :flowerforyou: We don't have a Shoeless Joes around here but it sounds like a fun place. I'm tempted to try quinoa but don't want my first taste to be something I cooked myself as I'm a terrible cook, so it would be neat to try it at at a restaurant!

    AFM - I got down to the pool at 11:30 am - had it to myself. It took just 20 minutes to do my 6 exercises and then I hung off a floaty to let my spine extend. Oh that felt good!!!! Now, however, I can feel my thigh muscles aching when I walk. Hello Advil.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--that's great that you enjoyed your pool time, and even though you're sore, I'm betting it's the good kind of sore that lets you know you were working those muscles. Cooking quinoa is pretty easy--similar to rice, but I think it's harder to ruin quinoa. I understand your desire to try it at a restaurant first though.

    @tanya--woohoo for the teens!! :drinker: Great job staying under calories while eating out as well!

    @kaye & robin--glad you guys get a chuckle out of my lists. I started using them in college when I had a lot of assignments, and they've just kind of stuck with me since then.

    Speaking of quinoa (above with robin), I cooked a new recipe today. It's not vegetarian, but it did include veggies, so I'll post it. I bought some chicken italian sausage at target last week. The brand was Golden Plump and it is really good! I browned it in a pan and then added sliced red/orange/yellow peppers and onions along with some minced garlic. I didn't need to add any oil--just used a non-stick skillet. I let it all simmer together until the veggies were soft and the sausage was cooked through.

    I then made some quinoa to go with it. I mixed the 2 cups of water and 1 cup of quinoa and let it come to a boil, then I added a 10 oz log of goat cheese right into the water. Stirred it in and let the quinoa finish cooking. I often crumble goat cheese over my quinoa, but have never tried cooking it into the mixture. It turned out really good--almost like a "risotto" version of quinoa.

    AFM--well, I got the fish tank done and cleaned a few things off the dining table, but I didn't get to the bathroom. DH said not to worry about it b/c he's off Monday and Tuesday, so he said he'll take care of it. YAY! The fish tank was the most pressing, so glad it's done. There are only 4 fish left in it, and DH and I have both agreed that once they all die, we are done with the tank. It's really pretty (when it's clean), but too much work, and it takes up a lot of space in our very small living room.

    We need to start thinking about an April challenge...

    1. finish grading
    2. clean fish tank DONE
    3. clean bathroom DH WILL DO THIS
    4. clean junk off dining room table SOME
    5. get pedicure
    6. do taxes
    7. brush gunner's teeth

    March Challenge:
    1. 3/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 26/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 29/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. 33/70 AP essays

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Fri--run outside w/ gunner WALKED GUNNER INSTEAD
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Sun--run outside w/ gunner
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    I know I'm missing some of you since me last post - when I read through I tend to think my reply & then can't remember it when I get to post! This getting older is hard on the brain!

    @kah - glad you had such a great trip. Welcome back. I find it's always so easy to excercise while away, lots to see & do when travelling.

    @Tanya - congrats on the weigh-in!!! Keeping yourself to your goal calories is really paying off. Those short bits n pieces walks are hard to count - I tend to leave them off too, but they still do add up to extra calories used up.

    @Robin - sore legs probably means you actually worked out! Well done you. I went bowling with the kids yesterday, and my legs/butt are killing me today. It was such fun, we plan on going again a bit more regularly, should be good for my leg strength I think.

    @Dschn - I don't run myself so I get really excited when I hear of time drops like you did - well done you!

    @skinny - love the visual of the dining room table. We have 3 kids & only one eating space (kitchen/dining/family room) so our dining table is used several times every day. I'm always grateful for this as when we used to have a dining room it was really just a junk room & you could never see the table, let alone use it! I've always been a list person but I think yours take it to a whole new level! That quinoq meal sounds really good. I'd never had that until a few weeks ago - I was looking for lunch in the supermarket and found a quinoa salad. Was high in overall calories, but i was into trying something new that day. Was really good, but seeing as I can't even get my DH to eat cous cous I think I'll leave it to you guys.

    @Kaye - so sorry to hear of your DH's troubles. These on top of the stress of dealing with your father's troubles is just so unfair. Your attitude is always so good & positive - you are an inspiration. My prayers will be incuding your family tonight.

    @Susan - can't believe you all get to meet each other. Unless any of you want to visit Australia (Victoria) it's not likely to happen for me! Your conference sounds awesome, and glad you got your fitbit (whatever that is LOL) back too.

    @Rain - good luck on your mid terms. Sounds like you are planning ahead re food & excercise - good for you.

    @Chrissie - welcome, come back often. Even if you don't have time to post, reading the stories from these great people is well worthwhile.

    AFM - Sunday Share -
    Has been a much better week this week than last. Teenage son seems to have settled down for the moment. This time last week I was really close to quiting everthing and taking off for the outback (with the whole family that is) but he seems to be on a more even keel now. Will see how long that lasts, LOL. The other two boys are great - just going on being themselves & creating much laughter in our home. Just how I like it to be. My DH has been a bit under the weather (read MAN FLU) but seems to be coming good now & will be off to work tomorrow.

    On Friday at work one of the staff accidentally deleted our accounting data file & apparently all backup procedures have been failing (without any notice) for the last 15 months. Oh dear. Not looking forward to work tomorrow as I guess this means I'll have to get pretty creative with the books. Our financial year ends 30 June so I've got a couple of months to clean it up. I guess one advantage will be I won't have time to eat at work!

    Happy travels everyone, N