jesscran815 Member


  • I feel this is completely rational!! Ha!
  • Thank goodness some of us are educated.
  • What is the reason you are substituting? It can be quite grainy and definitely more dry. It wouldn't have the same texture as a regular cake.
  • And also a huge amount of ice water. That does the trick usually!
  • Apples/peanut butter! Or...if I'm feeling fancy I will have a tablespoon (somewhere in the 20g area) of Nutella. So YUM and filling for me.
  • I would suggest cutting out soda for everyone, for a variety of reasons, but who am I to talk with my daily chocolate fix! Haha! I usually cut a lemon in half and squeeze it into a glass and add a can of sparkling water (12 oz, maybe?) when I'm having a craving. My craving is for the citrus drinks like Mt. Dew or Squirt,…
  • This. OMG. Gotta go to the carnival...even though it's February and I'm pretty sure we don't have those right now in IL.
  • Sweet! (ha...get it? :smile: ) Let us know what you think!!
  • I love to cut leftover chicken up and add it to a stir fry mix that I get in the frozen section (2 servings for $1 as it's usually on sale for some reason) and add a little stir fry sauce which is higher in sodium but I just love it so I make room. Then I add it over a bed of white or brown rice (you may be able to find…
  • Ya, those are kind of like what I'm thinking of. One looks to be a vanilla flavor which could be tasty. But trust me...a little goes a long way! I learned that the hard way. I caught my mom adding it to her tea using her tablespoon (like she would for her honey which I don't even keep around anymore) and I had to be like…
  • I use a liquid stevia extract (similar to Truvia). It comes in a little squirt bottle, and it says it's zero calories. One squirt is enough to sweeten any mug of anything (tea, coffee, etc...) to my liking, so a $3 bottle lasts forever. There is a slight aftertaste but coffee can usually mask it. If it's available around…
  • Well if you think about it, 8 oz of water (one cup) would weigh about 1/2 pound. And I usually have about 2 servings of that in coffee and 8-10 in water every day. So if you had lots of liquids that could add some onto it.
  • I have a desk job and I would not rate myself as having much physical activity after I get home besides cooking and/or cleaning. I am at 152 lb right now and on a 1230 calorie diet (set by MFP and adjusted as I lost weight). If I only ate 500 calories once a day I would probably pass out...but that's just me. Have you…
  • I have that and my doctor said it was nothing. I feel it in my left hip when I go up stairs or if I ever do have to lift my legs off the floor and am laying on my back. It doesn't get sore though, so maybe it's not the same thing. May be a good idea to ask a doctor at your next appointment (I have yearly ones for blood…
  • After the chemo and radiation, my dad went from 145 lb to 90 lb before he succumbed to lung cancer when he was 43. So technically, in the end, it will help you. Until you die. Then it wouldn't much matter.
  • The oil change alert in my car didn't get reset at the last place I took it. I just recently got a new "space car" after using a very basic car that didn't have any alerts for 9 years, so I was unfamiliar with how many alerts would be popping up. "Your washer fluid is low!" "Your tire is getting low!" "Schedule basic…
  • I don't have a weight lifting one, but when I worked near our company headquarters, we got a pass into the company gym (free!) and I couldn't figure out how to leave. They had put the badge out scanner on a pillar and when I walked out of the women's locker room it was on the opposite side and I couldn't see it. I had to…
  • I think subbing out some sugar for Truvia wouldn't be a problem. I have always been a fan of Truvia because it's made from Stevia plants and it's fascinating to me that a leaf of a Stevia plant tastes just like sugar! It's like a sugar herb. So bizarre. That being said, it doesn't quite taste the same, though I've become…
  • I love apples with peanut butter. You could put a chocolate chip on each slice after you dip in the peanut butter...but that borders on not so good for you at that point since the peanut butter is already high in a few categories and then you add chocolate onto it. I also use Nutella sometimes to dip my apples in, if my…
  • Sometimes it helps for me to suggest changes if I can see your diary. Would you be able to make it public? I think that could give us a better idea of what you are eating without us just saying "you're eating too much" and offering no helpful suggestions...because that can be irritating. :smile:
  • Hmm, interesting. I have a milder case of PCOS than you do it sounds like, but I feel like no matter what, sodium and fats in excess as much as they are in your diary might not be helping. Also, if you've only logged for a week, you probably won't see a drastic drop, as some other folks are saying. It took me a lot of time…
  • I always juice them and add the lemon juice into water or carbonated water for a fizzy drink. If I added the whole fruit to the water, I would definitely wash!! When I'm at the store I like to feel a few of the fruits to make sure they're not mushy before I pick the right ones to take home so I assume most other people do…
  • That's what I would assume. Though if you eat more or drink more liquids, or if you eat/drink different things, it might skew things. You could have lost a pound but maybe you went to the bathroom before the first weigh in and not the most recent, or you drank more water that day or eaten an extra snack. That's why I…
  • I have been fascinated for a long time with Stevia leaves. They don't contain calories, since it's an herb that just tastes like sugar (it's so bizarre to me!). You can get a plant and have it in the kitchen and just pluck off a couple of leaves and let them infuse. That gives it a bit of sweetness without any calories or…
  • This is what I do! I eat half and save the rest for later. I don't know if it would make much of a difference eating it spaced out over two meals or eating the one big meal, but it does make me feel better about getting the cheese fries if I don't eat them all myself and if I eat them in two or three installments.
  • I like to grow flowers and I have a garden in the summers, so I always mention that I don't like cut flowers because they just die and I like to enjoy them for a long time. Roses are one of my least favorites, too, so when I see a guy show up with them I cringe (hopefully just inside and not on my face...). But I haven't…
  • I paged through a few days in your diary and noticed you went over your fat goal quite a bit for a few of the days. Maybe that could be it. Fat is important for neurological functions and other stuff I think, but if I even go over a little on my fat limits, I can tell a difference in how my body feels even if I can't see…
  • I weigh myself every morning right after I go to the bathroom as I'm stepping in the shower. I know full well that sometimes it's higher. I only log it as a loss if I weigh in the same weight after a few days. I don't log my gains usually, unless they're prolonged, like when I moved back in December and the holidays were a…