nikolausi88 Member


  • You sound just like me, though I'm still around the 27 BMI. The lower the BMI, the more I get that bottomless, desperate hunger. Mine builds over time too and it really wears me out mentally, especially when progress is so slow and it feels like all that effort for a pound or two. None of my suggestions are magical…
  • Every time I circle the same weight for a while it's from bad logging or going way over my calorie target. Just because I don't put in on my food log, doesn't mean my body won't count it. How many times per week or month are you having cheat meals or days to try and beak your plateau? Especially at a smaller size it's easy…
  • This is only one anecdotal case and it happened to a child, so YMMV. When my brother was 5 or 6, he was obsessed with a juice that also had a lot of beta carotene. After drinking it every day he truly turned orange and developed a nasty skin condition. Considering his smaller size compared to an adult, it's probably easier…
  • Is your cooking spray actually fat free or is it just a normal one? The one in my pantry has 0 calories for a fraction of a second spray. I never timed it, but you have to move at lightning speed to manage that. In essence, most of those sprays are just vaporized cooking oil. If you're generously coating your pans for 2 or…
  • First of all, great job on losing 29 pounds! Second, instead of crash dieting you could try out other methods to look slimmer. Try some shape wear, good makeup or a tan (spray tans work too).
  • Have you changed your pill since losing weight? If you haven't, discuss it with your doctor at your next appointment. Different weight levels can be affected differently by the hormone doses in the pill.
  • Echoing what all the previous posters said, just because someone is trying to gain weight doesn't mean it should be done on fried foods and candy alone. My husband and I have very different preferences for food, so most of our meals are made in components we can assemble ourselves. So think of a protein, starch and…
  • It might help if you slowly increase your activity level and focus on low impact work outs. I started at a similar weight from very sedentary and my joints would hurt when I exercised every day. After scaling back with plenty of rest days in between and keeping at it for a few months, I am now active on most days without…
  • Try eating the calories back for a while and compare to how you feel/ lose weight. I eat all my calories back and I feel like my body needs that energy to recover. If I don't I feel more sluggish, but I am not good at handling large deficits.
  • For me hunger comes and goes in waves. Sometimes it's easy to eat at my calorie goal and I'm just happily cruising along, and other times I just want to eat everything in sight. I have a few go to foods that really fill me up, like hard boiled eggs, protein bars, brussel sprouts or pretzels. So my first focus is to eat…
  • The beginning can be the most difficult part, you still have to figure out what works best for you and you don't have a larger loss to encourage you yet. But it sounds like you have a solid plan and are sticking to it, that's great! Think about it this way: right now you are 6 lbs better off than you were 3 weeks ago :)…
  • Not to derail this thread, but if the list of food consumed by OP is correct, how much potassium is she consuming? 7-11 bananas and then maybe two more meals with potatoes.... Isn't there a level where it gets unhealthy?
  • From one injury prone person to another, I know how you feel.... If you still want to be a little active, you could try googling some chair workouts. And once you're ready to get back, look into Jillian's beginner shred. It's also a 30 day program, but it's all low impact. I really enjoyed it as a beginner routine to build…
  • So, I have been in similar situations where I was the considerably heavier person and the slightly overweight person talked about weight loss. I have always given similar responses and told them they are fine at their current weight.... But really what else am I supposed to say? "Yes, you are a little overweight" seems…
  • As the previous person said, those natural supplements can vary quite a bit in potency and effect on the human body. There have been reports of liver damage from excessive consumption of green tea: I personally find the potential downside not worth the extra few pounds I could lose.
  • You could try taking a fish oil capsule before bed. I tried everything you listed and it did nothing for me either. Even though I think I eat enough fat, apparently I needed just a little more. Everything works like clockwork now...
  • It's not about being perfect for a month, it's about being consistent in your efforts for the rest of your life. It took away a lot of the pressure I was putting myself under, for no reason other than the idea that I could become this perfect dieter. Spoiler alert: I always failed at being perfect...
  • Those things really irritate me, let's pretend all the food will travel through your intestines in perfect little compartments and never touch or mix in the process. Some experts seem to skip basic physiology...
  • Yes, it could very well be that you feel better about the whole grain bread and subconsciously make other better choices (like eating more vegetables with dinner). Or maybe you're eating different foods with the different breads?
  • Actually, our bodies have changed quite a bit over the last several thousand years. More importantly, our bodily functions are also dependent on bacteria (and enzymes). So even if the argument is that it is not enough time for humans to evolve dramatically, there have been enough generations of bacteria living in our…
  • I was the same way, it took me quite a while to gradually lower my portions and eventually I swapped the not so great foods for healthy foods. I have tried to lose weight so many times and I would always eat too little, binge because I was too hungry, and then give up. This time around I decided to be more patient and at…
  • I too get super weak during that time. Usually the first day is the worst, I just sweat like a maniac and have no strength. If it gets too bad I take one of those slow release iron supplements and those help a lot, just time it around the worst cramps - stomach distress from the supplement on top those can be really…