dixiech1ck Member


  • Funny you say that... I do that at regular parks with people and their out of control children. You can't win to lose!!
  • I had lost 70 lbs in about 6 mos and had horrible pains in my side. Turns out it was my gall bladder. The bad thing about losing it is if I eat anything fatty, I get really sick since you no longer have that to help with the digestion of the fat overall. Like Thunder1982 said, take it easy. I wound up being in the hospital…
  • Thank you for this! I've added to my youtube subscription and plan to check it out over the weekend when I go food shopping.
  • Thanks Mygnac.. we just had a dog park open last month in town. They want to charge $35/mo for two dogs to go. You have to sit through a 2 hour class, submit all kinds of ridiculous paperwork, etc. It seems nobody is going and the park is barren most days after work. It's a shame and sad for those of us who already pay…
  • I love my M400. I'm actually looking at getting the upgraded M600. It has the built in HRM, but also does everything the M400 does with tracking speed, cadence, etc.
  • I buy these whenever i can find them: https://www.lovebeets.com/products/honey-ginger-beets/ I also found these at the Ottawa Marathon and am obsessed with them: http://www.beet-it.us/ The sports bars are insanely good!!
    in Beets Comment by dixiech1ck October 2016
  • Be truly careful what you get yourself into with these schemes. That's all they are - pyramid schemes. As Kimmy72 put it, you just shill it off to others and fake-pretend to believe that it's working for you when it's really not doing anything at all. Also, realize these products aren't approved by the FDA and after doing…
  • I love my Polar watches. Don't trust a Garmin to give you accurate fat burning or calorie burning as it's not made for that. Polar has it all rolled into one. I use my A360 for short runs and my M400 for long runs with the chest strap. The M450 is also awesome for my biking and hiking excursions.
  • For the M400? I haven't heard about this. I have the M450 for my bike and had to buy the cadence and speed sensors. But as for the M400, haven't heard anything. Sorry this is so late in replying. I don't get on via a normal computer, only my phone app most days.
  • Do you have a local running store to you? I'd go get yourself fitted and this way you can try on others and make the decision that is right for you. I used to run in Ghosts by Brooks until they screwed up the model in the 7's. I turned to the ASICS Gel Cumulus and like it so much better. My knees and shins no longer hurt…
  • Congrats @MobyCarp !! Exciting!! I hope to run 2017 as a charity runner for the Arthritis Foundation.
  • What's your question?
  • I wish they would release the Android app for MFP/Polar Flow to sync. It's been too long.
  • Are you in an Apple or Android platform? MFP only allows syncing to an Apple IOS platform. Android still isn't recognized.
  • Kathrine Switzer's book is phenomenal. Especially if you are a woman. Gives perspective of how things were 50 years ago.
  • The "everyone is different" method is tried and true. I went to see a Q&A with the sports medicine doc at UCLA and she mentioned this. Listening to some of the long distance runners from Boston this week, many fuel every 5k with gels or food. For me, I listen to my body. I need water every 2 miles, even if it's just to…
  • Good luck Jennwren77. Wait.. you've never run over 3.1 miles during your long runs? That's kind of dangerous as a new runner. You should've hit at least 7-9 miles. It's a daunting course if you need to take 6.9 miles onto the 3.1 you've run in the past.
  • did it twice and wasn't a fan -- too crowded, too many walkers clogging up the faster corrals. It's one thing to be slow (like me) and be in the back, but don't say you'll finish in 1:01:50 and get a green or grey bib and then walk the entire thing huffing and puffing. Come on.
  • I have both the FT4 and the FT7 and I find the FT4 to be far superior than the 7. Just my personal preference but I don't need all the hoity toity dings and whistles. Just tell me what I've burned and where my fat burn is located during my workout. I also have the Garmin 310XT and got the heart rate strap and pod and it is…
  • I was having similar issues and saw a podiatrist. He showed me how to tape under my foot and around my ankle, but he also recommended that I get the green Super Feet inserts. Best $40 I've ever spent!! Well worth it and helps to keep my foot cushioned. I"m a neutral runner who uses Brooks Ghosts as my go to shoe.
  • I had this same issue and it turned out to be my gall bladder and I needed emergency surgery. If it keeps happening, I would get it checked out by a doctor.
  • Wineglass Marathon (NY) - Oct 5th MCM (DC / VA) - Oct 26th Philadelphia Marathon (PA) - November 23rd Rehoboth Marathon (DE) - December 6th (I predict a snowstorm for this one.. it would just be fitting as my sister is going for her Maniac status with this race) Then January is Goofy Challenge in Disney and March is Whale…
  • First of all, I want to totally commend you for getting into running with Crohn's. That's amazing and you should be really proud of yourself and what you've accomplished thus far. I have Fibromylagia and can completely sympathize with the chronic fatigue. I'm on a medicine (Nuvigil) just to keep me awake and alert because…
  • I make my shake around 7:15 and don't even drink it until at least 8:30 so it's been sitting over an hour and I still get sick from it. Seems to be common amongst blogs I've read on chia. Some people have allergies. Well, better to have an allergy to chia than to chocolate ;) LOL
  • I've tried these and have very little success with them. Give me terrible gastro pains and other related issues. Wondering if this is just my gut or they have this effect on some people?
  • I bought Chia seeds on Sunday from Costco because they were a great deal! However, I started putting them into my morning smoothies and Monday, Tuesday and today I've had some serious issues with gastro problems (I have been in the bathroom FAR too many times to count). :( Am I alone in this? I've read some articles that…
  • Amazing transformation!! Keep it going you look fantastic!
  • Haha.. I hope they are just as good!! They are all first time races for me (except Oddyssey.. I'm just going for the cool medal) LOL To the person running the Love Run you should check out the Oddyssey Half Marathon - it's June 8th in Fairmount Park. Costumes encouraged!
  • I noticed this, too. She couldn't hold her concentration on anything. It was just awful. Not how anyone should look - you could see every single bone in her body -- arms and back. Made me sad to think how much damage she's doing to her other organs by starving herself. She won't live to see 25 if she keeps this up.
  • Several: Feb: Glass Slipper Challenge (10K and Half) in Disney March: Shamrock Marathon and Love Run Half April: April Fools Half and Garden Spot Marathon May: Flying Pig Marathon and Wild Half June: Niagara Falls Half and Oddyssey Half (possible Grandma's marathon)