karilou52 Member


  • Hello, lovely ladies! May I join your group? I have been looking for a woman's group closer to my age, and now I’ve found yours! I don't have much skill with "threads" and "forums," but if I make a mistake, someone will set me straight, I bet! All through June, I continued to follow a lower-calorie diet that I started…
  • those are some good advices...pearls of wisdom!
  • Chinese food is my favorite! You are probably asking about take out? Sometimes the restaurant can give you an idea. Plus it matters how much you eat. Sometimes I just have to figure out based on how much chicken (by cups) and how much rice. Also there's a long list of Orange Chicken options to choose from if you type in…
  • This is a painful subject, but my Dr. suggested Smooth Move tea at night before bed. You let one cup of it steep, covered, for 15 minutes. Also every time I take my meds that "stop me up" I also take a stool softener. This seems to help but it's only every 2-3 days for me. The tea has helped it not hurt so much. You might…
  • Thanks everyone!
  • Thanks runfoorun! That helps explain it! Do you know where I can find out what a "sticky" might be? And how does one nominate a post for "Announcements?"
  • Hello justfenix! Kudos on losing 56 pounds!! I love your advice to keep a good mental picture of who I want to be and to not let the mirror get me down...I have always disliked my appearance even when I weighed 125 in High School...not your classic beauty...but now, I can accept my looks that I can't change, and I can…
  • Hi dellafwhite 67, thanks for your response! My mother found out she is sensitive to gluten at 83 years old! I do not need to eat gluten-free for today, but I do tend to overeat breads and pasta...I would love to be friends! Do I send you a friend request? About the surgery, I don't have a date as of yet. I am hoping for…