LUAPness Member


  • Anything that Tito from Rocket Power says is a magical quote. "When surfers don't ride, potatoes ain't fried."
  • Well, sometimes when I have to choose, I opt to take the middle ground and have a small piece of whatever it is I'm thinking about. Sometimes that makes me happy enough to go about my general business, and sometimes it just hits me with crushing amounts of guilt. If I DO take that little piece, regardless of the outcome I…
  • @literaryspirit Oh man, it's exactly the same for me! One day I'm encouraged to eat, and then the next I'd get comments about being obese, saying I'm way too fat, and mentions of family history of health problems that I'm not helping out at all. I think I gave food too much power when I started using it as a way to sorta…
  • I got lucky and landed a job where I can bike to and from work, so that keeps up what little shape my body can hold, even during night shifts.
  • I think I understand where you're coming from. Ever since I was a kid, I grew up in a family where it was always encouraged to eat. Y'know the whole, "Oh you're finished? Here, have seconds!" or the "Finish EVERYTHING on your plate" sorta mentality. So I've never realized how easily I can rack up calories until I started…