Krazy80ate Member


  • Are you still on? I am in need of an online w/ o partner to keep me accountable and help me get back in shape
  • Hey Leo if you want to ramp up your cardio do it with a mmaster bag routine you can usually pickup heavy bags cheap on Craig's list buy two one to hang and one for the ground. Start off slow say 1 minute of punching the heavy bag only then one minute of kicks then one minute of ground and pound. Work up to 1 1/2 minutes…
  • Ok send me a pic because that is not a bad weight at your height. It's unfortunate that your husband treats you this way. Sadly even if you lose all the weight he will always reference it because he knows that's your hot button. It's not love if he makes you feel that way. You know what I'm saying is true as hard as this…