whereslisa Member


  • Hi! I'm 5'5 and currently 160lbs. I started at 204lbs though. I am looking to lose about 25 more pounds. But I will stop losing and start trying to maintain once I get to a weight that I feel looks appropriate/fits my goals. I've lost 40lbs in a little over a year. It has been an ongoing battle but you just have to keep…
  • A cup of table grapes and half a banana. Oh the diet of someone with colitis, wonderful lol.
  • Candy. I like candy. Scratch that, I LOVE candy. I don't eat it often since starting my diet I've cut back but I will never stop eating it completely. And juice. I don't drink much of it but I would never, could never, totally give it up. The hardest part of my diet has been giving up bread. I didn't give it up to lose…
  • Starting weight and sizes: May 2014 Height: 5'5 Weight: 204lbs Shirt Size: XL or XXL Pant Size: 16 (US) Dress Size: 16 (US) And then Current: April 2015 (34 lbs down) Height: 55'5 Weight: 170lbs Shirt Size: Large or XL Pant Size: 12 or 14 (US) Dress Size: 12 or 14 (US) What size I wear really varies on where I'm buying my…
  • I've never really liked soda. I can go forever without it, wouldn't bother me, I'll drink some on occasion like maybe at a birthday party of other family get togethers where I cheat a bit with tasty food also. I did have a few sips of some coke last night in the bathtub, because we were out of everything else lol. The coke…
  • Since yours is closed you can just tell us, why? Mines open for various reasons. If I ask questions about my weight loss I find it would be good for people to be able to access my food diary to better help answer my question. I personally don't care, some days I eat good and healthy, stay under my limit, and some days I…
  • Yep, the week before I can't even make it through the day without taking a nap. I get super hungry, very tired, and very moody. I started Friday and yesterday I totally binged. But the week before I was sleeping like all day long and didn't even do any cardio which is a big deal since I do it 4-5 times a week religiously.
  • Not many people here can answer a question nicely huh? Before you all jump onto me, no, you don't have to deliberately be "mean" to sound mean. Geez, just answer her question. I'm not going to point fingers and I'm not suggesting everyone sounded rude but there were quite a few who did. One thing I dislike about MFP is a…
  • Guys, my question has been answered over and over again. I was NOT asking if that's the BEST way to lose. I WAS asking on a SCIENTIFIC level if it was POSSIBLE. My question was NOT if it was healthy or if it was easy, I just wanted to know if our bodies burned calories differently based on what you ate and the answer I got…
  • The struggle is real! Haha. Whether it is actual hunger or hormone changes, it's something that I feel. It isn't an excuse or something us women make up. I have real problems with hunger during that time of the month and hate when people claim we are just milking it. Thank you, I'll look up that thread!
  • I eat fruits/vegetables/meat for the most part. Mostly I eat meat like chicken in my salads and the occasional steaks. Typical day for me includes fruits, 1-2 salads (1 with chicken usually) and vegetables/more meat or something a little less healthy for dinner like fries (my weakness hehe). I'm doing fine, I have a food…
  • My question was sincere curiosity. I just wanted to know if that's how our body works. I mostly eat veggies/fruits but do occasionally have some fries or candy while staying at my goal. Nobody said all I ate was junk food (not saying anyone suggested that but I feel it coming on) I have fibromayalgia along with many other…
  • Thanks everyone! I have a really, really hard time the week before I start to resist cravings. I have ovarian cysts and I've wound up in the ER once before for pain so it's a terrible time for me. I did pretty good last week though the week of terror begun yesterday for me. I only went over my calories 2 days out of the…
  • What are Macros? Pardon my ignorance I know nothing about anything pretty much lol. Also if you don't mind, what is TDEE and NEAT? I hear so much about this stuff but have no idea what it is.
  • I would rather save up my calories for night time since I'm super weak and have no willpower once the sun goes down. I could eat fiber filled huge meals for breakfast and lunch and then he able to eat double that in the middle of the night lol. I function fine without eating breakfast and I don't feel hungry until lunch…
  • Thanks everyone, we all have heard the saying "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" and I wanted to make sure that it wasn't affecting my health or weight loss if I don't eat it. Some days I am starving in the morning, like yesterday my entire days calories went it breakfast and coffee lol. But like this…
  • Oops sorry about all the "cccc" lol. My phone is stupid and won't let me post on MFP most days and when it does let me it does that.
  • I did 45 minutes of walking. I walked 10 laps total (2 1/2 miles) and jogged 1 1/2 laps of that off and on. (I have exercise induced asthma and have to go slow)
  • I've been trying off and on for 1 year. Like, 5 months on and 7 months off LOL. But I've been going solid for about 2 months now. I've lost 4 pounds in the 2 months but a total of 30 pounds. I have 40 pounds left to lose.
  • My stomach and then my thighs. I was measured and I supposedly have an hourglass figure (I'm not sure how accurate they were but two store workers have told me that lol) I guess it's just covered up by all this fat bahaha.
  • Honestly? I want would look good. I want to be able to wear cute clothes and look good in them, I want to be able to look in the mirror and smile rather than avoid mirrors at all costs, I know that losing weight doesn't magically make everything better of course but I know it will help me be more confident not only because…
  • I take food supplements given to me by my nutritionist after having a test done to see what I'm lacking in/what my endocrine, skin, blood, nervous, etc levels were. (And yes he is licensed, he's a chiropractor who went back to school to become a licensed nutritionist). I take 4 different supplements 3 times a day. It's…
  • I need some positive friends here also, turning a new leaf and kicking depression in the butt along with saying bye bye to all this unnecessary fat. :blush:
  • I have a lot of embarrassing things lol. I like to get naked and stand in front of the mirror and suck in while holding my stomach up so I can see what I look like skinny... LOL. I also lie to my nutritionist/doctor about not drinking coffee and not eating potatoes... I drink coffee and do eat potatoes... And I like to do…
  • I lost $489,311.1 worth of Gold hehehe
  • I've lost 120 sticks of butter, woot! Now just 160 more sticks of butter left.