roeyrolex Member


  • Nicotine is a ridiculously effective appetite suppressant. You should look into vaping, it's definitely not good for you but it's the lesser of two evils if you still have nicotine cravings. I found that counting my calories and planning what I eat ahead of time helps me stay on track, even though some of my friends and…
  • Drink a lot of water and lather with cocoa butter and coconut oil. If you take baths throw epsom salt in too. All these things will help, but it mostly comes down to genetics and age.
  • Crossfit doesn't work and you'll end up injuring yourself, don't listen to edwardtarazon. I do a combination of Wendler's 5/3/1 and plyometrics.
  • Who said she was underage? Teen can refer to 18 or 19 years old, which is perfectly legal for mfp. Even if she was underage, you're only bringing attention to it by posting. No one would have cared otherwise.
  • It was my AC joint and I made sure to have a 15 minute warmup before every workout. I was also wearing a jacket, which helped warm me up and get a sweat going. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think 5x5 is fitting for any intermediate lifter. It's good for introducing beginners to progressive overload and compound lift, but…
  • If you pack on strength and muscle mass easily, SL 5x5 isn't a great option. Personally, my bench increased from 175lbs x 5 to 210lbs x 5 in a span of about 2 months. As a result, my joints couldn't support the weight that my chest and arms were pressing and I ended up getting injured. I'm far from an expert on the subject…
  • Low dosage of creatine, low beta alanine, synephrine tolerance skyrockets almost immediately. It's delicious but you're basically paying for fancy caffeinated Kool-aid. Make your own preworkout with bulk ingredients at websites like nutrivitashop. There's one online store that helps you make a preworkout, I forgot the name…