Started SL 5x5 yesterday



  • zipa78
    zipa78 Posts: 354 Member
    roeyrolex wrote: »
    Don't rigidly follow the 5x5 program because it DOES have some flaws. (ie. squatting every workout, progression too quick, lacking accessory lifts, strange muscle grouping, only 3 days a week, etc.)

    You listed the benefits, but none of the flaws... Well, there's a flaw in your list, the muscle grouping is a basic full body scheme, nothing strange about it.

    Also, your joints are not supporting any weight. It is the muscles that work the joint that are responsible for that. And the bones, when the joint is locked. What injured you was most likely a poor warmup that busted some of your small, supporting muscles. Such as the rotator cuff while benching or pressing.
  • roeyrolex
    roeyrolex Posts: 8 Member
    zipa78 wrote: »
    roeyrolex wrote: »
    Don't rigidly follow the 5x5 program because it DOES have some flaws. (ie. squatting every workout, progression too quick, lacking accessory lifts, strange muscle grouping, only 3 days a week, etc.)

    You listed the benefits, but none of the flaws... Well, there's a flaw in your list, the muscle grouping is a basic full body scheme, nothing strange about it.

    Also, your joints are not supporting any weight. It is the muscles that work the joint that are responsible for that. And the bones, when the joint is locked. What injured you was most likely a poor warmup that busted some of your small, supporting muscles. Such as the rotator cuff while benching or pressing.
    It was my AC joint and I made sure to have a 15 minute warmup before every workout. I was also wearing a jacket, which helped warm me up and get a sweat going. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think 5x5 is fitting for any intermediate lifter. It's good for introducing beginners to progressive overload and compound lift, but in terms of progress newbies can basically get stronger by doing almost anything to milk "noob gains".
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    I've been doing SL for 7 weeks now and I love it. I feel so much stronger and am proud that I can squat 100lbs and deadlift 145lbs. It compliments my martial arts training, particularly as I have a black belt exam in 6 weeks. I can see really positive changes in my body such as more muscular legs and arm. The rest will fall in line soon. I even feel more able to do proper push ups (on toes). I really hope you enjoy the SL programme.
  • vickedslava
    vickedslava Posts: 2 Member
    When I first started lifting (few years ago) SL was my starting program. SL is great for building a foundation but remember the program is designed to make you fail. Once you can't hit your reps and the weight gets heavy. Switch to another program that targets more specific muscles. Most people think SL is easy when they start but that doesn't mean add more weight. Give it time, it will get hard. You will pass your crossfit "records" in no time since you are actually using the weights correctly.

    Best of luck and make sure your form is spot on. I recommend recording your form and comparing it to a professional on Youtube.