You are amazing! Thank you so much for sharing! I am so impressed by you and the courage it took to go through that all and then share it with others in the hopes of helping someone! Good show sir! Thank you for being such a kind human!
Very cool! Thank you for sharing!
You look amazing! You must be so proud of yourself! You look good, like really good! very pretty girl before and after. Love the tattoos too!
You are awesome! Loved reading your story, you are an inspiration!
You are friggen amazing! Thank you for posting, very inspirational!
You are beautiful before and after! What an accomplishment!!! You must be so proud!
If you drink wine or hard liquor try mixing it more than half with plain seltzer water. I find this helps really limit my intake and calories consumed but I can still have several drinks and get a good buzz.
Thank you so much for posting. You are such an inspiration to stay motivated!
You are amazing! Great job!
You should be proud! You look great. Very inspiring story.
Amazing! Awesome job!
I think you are extremely attractive both before and after!!! Thank you for sharing your very personal struggle. It is always amazing to find out what someone is thinking when you would never have guessed it. You should be really proud of your accomplishment. Yours is a very inspirational story. Thanks for sharing.