broekendy Member


  • I hope so...I would like to reduce in that area too! I hear when you are older is it tougher though...that is me we will see.
  • You just gotta do it for you Synnamin...I am in the same boat. I go for walks by myself...last week I went to a museum for something a little different. Just got to change it up and take a camera with you, look for interesting things on your walk. It can be enjoyable and you can use that time to reflect and plan for the…
  • Congratulations! Yay for you and for keeping at it. This is so encouraging to me you know...I have only just begun. Thanks!!
  • Home meals are best. Pre-packaged means tons of salt usually. It bites the big one...I am personally sick of cooking meals most days...after 30 years of it...gets tiresome.
  • Friends = motivation and I would love to be your friend. I have just begun this battle and yes, I never intended to become as big as I am either. I am an emotional eater and have to work really hard and take one day at a time. Just think of that 24lbs you lost as 24lbs of butter and that is AMAZING! Keep working, one day…
  • Congratulations! Any slab of butter off the body is a great thing! I have just started as of yesterday and have 100lb to go. Lets cheer each other on!! Woot! Woot!
  • Great for you, I won't be doing that for quite some time...need some encouragement here too!
  • I am in the same boat...100lbs to lose...this is encouraging to be able to share with others.
  • I am with ya, I have 100 big ones to lose as well..this is only day one for me. Hope I can do it.
  • Me too, welcome to the fight against flab...lets get "fab" together!!