njlegault Member


  • Extremelygrumpycat ... I'm loving the pacer app. It's been really insightful to see how little I walk and I'm pretty competitive even with myself so I'm always trying to beat previous days steps. Also it syncs with MFP and adds back the cals you burn walking. And it's free! Only downside is since it's on my iPhone I need…
  • I wish I could but she's a small dog (cavalier King Charles) and she's 15 and arthritic and overall in rough shape lol so even our 15-20 minute walks are taxing for her but I'll start going on walks without her I think. I'd really like to hit 10k daily.
  • Hey ladies - I'm 5'7 and 4 yrs ago lost 30lbs and reached my ideal weight of 130... However I've been working from home for a year and a half and since then have gained a few lbs... I just want to lose 5 lbs and tone up and get more muscles. Also, without MFP I feel like I was making bad food choices and not realizing the…
  • << nice work girl!
  • I'm at 1220 cals per day which is tough but I only have about 5lbs of vanity weight to lose so given that is my situation yes I do eat back all my exercise calories. Additionally, when I do intense cardio I get really hungry and NEED the extra 500-600 calories I get from my workout. Also it's a good motivating factor to go…
  • So true BladeBiker, my appetite has definitely decreased over time. Your stomach literally expands tofit more food and shrinks as it becomes accustomed to less, and it takes less to fill you up.
  • Mine is 1220 but I try to get at least 500-600 calories of exercise per day and so I can eat a bit more I still aim for 100-200 cal deficit but that's rare :) I'm hungry especially when I work out!! But keep in mind a good amount of exercise will help you increase it a bit...
  • Welcome! I went through an initial phase of being obsessed when I first got MFP a year ago or so ... I was checking calories for everything and being like OMG I can't even believe that some things had as many cals as they do... Then I got out of it but now I'm trying to get back into it again!! It's the only way I can keep…