new user new lifestyle

I've always been pretty active but never changed my diet. Now I want to get to the next level. I'm hoping to do this With support & this app. :)


  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    Welcome. Changing your diet is probably more difficult than being active, at least it was for me but Ive learned weight loss is like 85% nutrition so you are on the right track. :)
  • time2toneupp
    time2toneupp Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you ataylorgardner!!! I'm becoming obsessed :D
  • njlegault
    njlegault Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome! I went through an initial phase of being obsessed when I first got MFP a year ago or so ... I was checking calories for everything and being like OMG I can't even believe that some things had as many cals as they do... Then I got out of it but now I'm trying to get back into it again!! It's the only way I can keep myself accountable.
  • Trying to recover from anorexia nervosa after being in a unit for 8 months but failing and relapsing! I'm underweight at the moment but trying to recover by myself gradually :smile:
  • time2toneupp
    time2toneupp Posts: 7 Member
    We can all do it with some love & support from those around us and on here. Its a great day to make it a great day.
  • pobre_miha
    pobre_miha Posts: 7 Member
    We should all ask ourselves, "what am I trying to do and why?", and there is your motivation for every single day. At least for me is like that. :3
  • azza213
    azza213 Posts: 21 Member
    Ravenmiha that is a great saying and couldnt agree more you achieve what you want to achieve