rshouse87 Member


  • Thank you for your help man. And thank you to everyone for taking the time to offer advice! It's been very helpful!
  • In that time I do both arms and legs. I do three to four sets on each machine. Each set has 12-15 reps. I rest for maybe 2 minutes between each set. There are 7 leg machines and 7 arm machines that I use.
  • It seems like there are multiple paths to take and that I should explore and find what works best for me. I've been mulling over giving myself an extra rest day on the weekends for a month or so now. I might start there. It could very well not stick but I think I should at least try.
  • And Amanda, I have actually been upping my intensity lately. Just within the last two months I started running. I eventually was able to run a mile without stopping for the first time in my life. Just this last Wednesday I ran 2.75 miles straight and could have gone for 3 miles easily. That's the most satisfying thing I've…
  • Thank you everyone for replying with advice. My primary goal is weight loss and I've lost 85 pounds since I was at my heaviest. I'm down to 263 now and I suppose I'm being a little too obsessive at this point. First I'm going to try just taking Saturday and Sunday off of working out just to recover. I don't know if I'll…
  • Should I only do 5 days a week and then have two recovery days? I like what I'm doing and I feel bad when I miss days, which I very rarely do because I always beat myself up over missing a day. I would say that I do feel fatigued fairly often. I always feel great when I'm at the gym but then I have a general sense of…
  • I started losing last December and am down 65 pounds. It's definitely a journey, it's just only within the last month and a half that I've made the gym a daily thing. But I've been getting my step goal 6 days a week for the past 4 or 5 months now.
  • Oh yeah, I forgot, I also do about 16 to 17,000 steps on Saturdays. Monday through Friday I get between 22,000 and 25,000 steps.
  • Thank you! I know that I'm headed in the right direction. I started at 325 as of December 2015 and am now down to 268. My highest was 350 so I've definitely lost. My clothes fit a lot better than they did when I started, I'm definitely able to do more physically now than I was a month ago. I feel good about myself and the…
  • I guess what I'm wondering is, is my body holding on to my weight because I'm over stressing it by exercising too much? And should I think about cutting down the amount of days I exercise? Or am I just at a plateau? Keep in mind that I'm in the seventh month of this cardio routine, and I'm at about a month of weight…
  • I drink protein drinks to compensate for the protein that I'm supposed to get on top of a handful of nuts for breakfast/lunch. Dinner I usually make half a cup of brown rice with have a can of different kinds of beans and either shrimp or chicken for the bulk of the protein at dinner. I'm about 85 percent sure I'm logging…
  • I recently started a weight training routine. I do 3 days a week, on top of the cardio that I already mentioned. And in response to the other person, when I'm done with my work outs I definitely feel like I've busted my butt. My clothes are always soaked and my legs are always tired.
  • And yes I do track everything I consume. I forgot to say that.
  • I consume 1,850-2,100 calories. I use a garmin a usually get about 2 and a half to 3 hours of walking/running a day. Yes, I keep track of the calories burned daily with the mfp app. I don't have a food scale but I tend to over estimate the calories I consume based on portions on food labels. But I've been told on another…
  • Thanks for the help. I think my question has been answered. Based on mfp's calorie count for a given day I'm supposed to eat 2,150 calories to lose two pound a week on a lightly active activity level. Since I've seen you all say that with my step count and my garmin activity level adjustment I should considered active to…
  • Sorry for being annoying, I just set my activity level on my goal section of mfp to active instead of lightly active because I figure that it's safe to assume that I am at least active. It upped my daily calorie goal by 400 calories.
  • And I log everything I eat. I may not have a food scale but pretty much everything I use to make my meals have portions on the back and I am very exact about the portions I use.
  • I typically eat between 1,800 and 2,100 calories on a given day. I was stuck for about a month and a half, but I actually lost about 3 pounds this past Sunday. I actually don't have a food scale but I always follow the portions on labels for everything I eat. I'm 6 ft 1 inches. And I weigh 268 pounds.
  • Thank you again! So mfp says that I should eat 2,150 calories a day to lose 2 pounds a week. Should I eat more than that based on my activity level as described in previous posts on this thread? Could that be a reason that my weight loss has stalled?
  • I'll try to be more specific. I am using a garmin vivoactive and have it synced with mfp. On a typical day I usually have about 1,200 extra calories based off of my garmin device and when I have the calorie counts from the exercise machines I use it can go as high and 1,900 calories burned. I've hit a snag with the weight…
  • I generally eat between 1,800 and 2,000 calories a day. There's maybe one day a week where I go over the 2,200 calorie limit that will allow me to lose two pounds a week. But on that day I've usually banked around 1,800 calories extra through exercise. Thanks for all the help so far.