elizabethcook5 Member


  • What about the sorry to be rude but fupa..I need to get rid of mine and I don't know what to do to do that..I do lots of cardio about 85 mins a day 5 times a week and it's getting smaller but I'm afraid it won't go away ...what to do ?
  • Are you eating the right things. Things high in protein will keep hunger at bay also drinking your water will help too.. I'm needing to loose 108 lbs I've lost 21 in about 3 weeks with 85 mins of cardio/kickboxing 3 days on 1 day off..I eat about 1300-1400 calories a day. I don't really get hungry much cause I eat fiber…
  • I have a physical disability that makes it harder then normal to do a workout but I have to do something so I do what I can. Some days are much worse then others with The pain but I make it through when I can
  • Thank you..Its gonna be a long road but so worth it all when I get to my goal. I'm looking forward to that day
  • Thank you..I know 114 lbs is a lot to loose and its going to take some time.its just nice to see how everyone else has done and how long it took..its good motivation
  • OK I will have to start doing that.
  • I would be so happy with 92 in a year. But however long it takes I have done diets before and have always failed obviously that's why im here. I'm hoping that getting into the mind frame that this has to be a life change not just a diet I will be in for the long haul. The last thing I want is to be back here in 6 months…
  • Im getting into the habit of the food scale. I need to become more religious with it
  • Believe me I eat. I make sure I eat when I feel hungry. I just don't over do it. I eat about 1300/1400 a day but with working out it gives me more calories to eat and I can never eat that many in a day. I log everything I consume and I make sure I get my daily nutrients that I'm supposed to get. I know about starvation…
  • That makes sense. I'm not wanting to or trying to set myself up for defeat. I just would like to be healthy and happier. I have felt good just these last few days and I have realized my battle with food is all me. I can let it get to me an d win or I can call the shots and beat it. Its nice to see success stories and know…
  • Ive lost 11 so far and would like to loose another 114 lbs. Its coming off pretty good... .5 lbs .8 lbs or 1 lb a day. I figure it will start to slow down. I work out and I have a lot of calories a day left over. I'm also drinking a lot of water. I guess I'm wondering if its possible to loose that much is less then a year…
  • How do u keep from becoming discouraged during the weight loss..how much have you lost
  • I started out at 265 also and I have lost 11 lbs so far a small accomplishment but still one. How did you loose the weight and how long did it take. I want to be around 140 I think that will be a healthy weight for me. I have 114 lbs to loose and I'm afraid I will loose motivation. You look amazing...tips to keep going
  • Sounds like you may need to deal with the real issue at hand..which may be the fact that you are going through something very scary..the cancer stuff.. I would handle that first. Deal with what you are feeling with that and then you will be able to get back on track. You will find your motivation again. Good luck in it all
  • Amazing transformation.. Keep it up even on days where its hard and tempatation is there. You look great and you can tell you worked hard to get where you are. I can not wait to have lost as much as you have. You are motivation for me..keep it up. You got this
  • 20 lbs gone is a huge accomplishment and you can get back into the swing of things. Do not let this time turn into a relaspe of old habits. You will feel better if you just get off the couch and get moving ..good luck
  • Do not let anyone rain on your parade. You know you lost it and it will show eventually. Those that see you everyday can't really see the change but I bet if you posted pics we would be able to see the difference. Do not get discouraged keep it up
  • Finally starting to loose...its coming off slowly but that's OK..I don't mind that as long as its coming off :-)
  • That's how I feel..I see the skinny friends on fb and think I can't be happy with myself until I am thin..and I know that I should be happy with myself at any size but I just feel that I wasn't meant to be this heavy. Although I know I don't look the weight I am. I still am this weight and I still need to loose over 100…
  • Its gonna be a work in progress for me. I will have to look and see and figure it out. Thank you. I just have a hard time fighting cravings but with exercising more and getting excited about doing that I have found I do not crave the bad stuff as much.. This is going to be such a long road
  • Thank you.. It will be so weird to see myself as thin but I am anxious to see it . I have to decide today to change my lifestyle and stick with it.
  • How do I log it after its weighed
  • I get confused too cause when I finish the logging entry for the day it tells me I could weigh this amount in 5 weeks but I don't see it with how its going now
  • I have a food scale I will pull it out of retirement
  • So I will watch the scale for another week and if still no change then I will have to definitly check the food intake better. I need/ want to loose about 117 lbs total .. Ive got a long road ahead I can't allow myslef to get discouraged
  • What can I do to get rid of the water retention
  • I've been able to loose weight in the past no problem obviously it always comes back on..this time its hard..maybe cause I'm older or I've had two kids. I also forgot to mention that I have a disorder that causes my leg to swell and maybe its making the scale not budge if I'm having a high swell day. I've lost lots of…
  • I do log everything but I need to start weighing my food. That may help more
  • I'm 5 5 and 257 I carry my weight well I just don't want to be that heavy anymore .. By carrying my weight well I mean no one would ever guess I am that heavy