How many calories is everyone taking in and how many are you burning off with exercise. I'm still confused on the whole calorie deficit thing. I want to make sure I'm working enough off to loose but I don't want to not eat enough I'm afraid of putting my body in starvation mode..Tips and help appreciated
How do you overcome the urge to not workout. I'm feeling it
How long did it take to loose 100 lbs
I log everything I eat and I workout for almost an hr every day and I am loosing inches I think but the scale is not moving. Its easy to get discouraged. What can I do with my eating to help the weight to come off..thanks
How do I get the pounds lost to change on my profile. I've weighed in and it didn't change
I just turned 35 and I realized more now then ever I'm a skinny girl trapped in a fat girls body..I am tired of being heavy. I'm tired of looking in the mirror and being unhappy wishing I was a hundred pounds thinner. Well I'm doing something about it. I get discouraged quickly when I don't see the results. I am turning to…