I've honestly got most of my workouts from friends, trainers that work at the gym, or Men's Fitness magazine. But there really is no harm in doing a "beginner workout", especially if it's one that I've not yet done before!
Ahhh, ok, I thought it was telling me to avoid those types of fat. Thank you for the clarification my friends! :)
Great sources, I'll definitely look into them, however I have been working out for a little over a year and a half. I'll still look into them. As of now I'm trying to get a flat stomach so I'm working on a caloric deficit, but as soon as that belly is flat I'm looking to build muscle. Thanks for the help :)
Why should they show up as N/A? Is it a premium service type thing? But thanks for the help! That's very useful :)
Not 2 kool for skool
I would love to learn how to make gains, but my workout routine doesn't seem to be adding muscle, but instead losing weight! I'm not complaining but I'd like to see more muscle than what's there. Hopefully you guys could refer me to a website/article/magazine to optimize my workout :)