I maintained before on 2300, lost the weight over like 3 weeks or so eating 1200 a day. Only wanted to lose a few pounds which I had put on so I doubt I just lost water weight
Ah right okay. Would the extra few pounds I might put on come off again? Or would my body carry on holding onto it? It was only 5lb which I lost since Christmas so if I'm just going to put it back on again it seems counter productive?:/
I didn't realise MFP wasn't based on TDEE so that makes sense as to why it's so low at 1600! Think I will set to lightly active for now and see how it goes by checking my weight every week or so then :) thanks for the help!
Some of it could just be water weight :) I agree though the scale thing can be a bit far sometimes, I weigh somethings but not everything haha
Sure!! :)
Thanks!! Will add you both now :) :)
Ah right, thank you for clearing that up for me!! :)