I agree I liked this meal a lot. I ordered 1 to try it and now I have 4 in my next order.
I really wish I had read this before I ordered 2 of them. But at least I am reading it before eating them!
Glad to finally read a review on this. I have one in my next order!
HI! I've got about 120 more pounds to go. I've lost just over 20 so far. It's always helpful to have motivation from others who are going through what you are going through!
If you order it be sure to post about how you did/didn't like it!
Thank you! Wishing you the best as well.
Hi Everyone, I'm posting to this thread for the first time. I was wondering if anyone had tried the new SS Macaroni & Cheese with turkey sausage? It has full stars on the NS site but they are from only 1 person's review. My order ships out today so I can't order until the next one but I thought I would ask while I am…