ReginaPhelangie Member


  • I like Kind bars. The fiber one bars are delicious but I don't get them because of the sugar content. My favorite yogurt is Dannon Oikos Zero Coconut Creme (the silver one with no carbs/sugar and high protein.) The Yoplait yogurts are delish but have as much sugar as a twinkie! I read a couple articles a while back that…
  • There are tons of good ab workouts that do not include crunches or sit ups. I don't do crunches they ALWAYS make my neck hurt. I love leg raises, windshield wipers and even tho I detest doing Planks they are super good for strengthening your core and there are TONS of variations. I find a lot of my short 15 minute core…
  • Pump up the protein and fiber, especially in the morning. They'll help you feel fuller longer.
  • Hey! I have a 5 year old and I'm also 165 (give or take a lb). My goal is 130-140. I really want to be fit and strong so once I lose most of my weight I won't worry about it. I was 132 pre baby and fit so that's what I'm focusing on. I lost it all about 3 years ago then put it back on. But I'm not going to let that stop…
  • You should never skip breakfast. #1 you have just gone 8-10 hours without eating and your body needs fuel. #2 your metabolism is faster in the morning and you'll burn more of your calories/carbs etc off if you eat the "biggest" meal in the morning. #3 it can cause you to over eat later because you haven't properly fueled…
  • currently living in ME but moving back to NC next summer
  • I love the app because it gives me the whole picture of what I'm eating. Before I was counting calories and staying within limits but then I started plugging things in and realized I was eating way too many carbs, or way too much sugar etc. There's more than just calories and it's great!
  • This made me laugh, I do the same thing! Sometimes I plug it in and I'm like hmmm... doesn't look good so I don't eat it.
  • I'm mum to a 5 y/o, work part time and go to school full time. Trying to lose some baby weight that's sneaked back on. Love to run and on W4 of the Couch25k program. Add me if you want!
  • I love to run too! I used to run miles a day in high school (more years ago than I like to admit) and just started the couch25k program. My 3 month goal is a 5k, 6 month goal a 10k and end of year goal a half marathon. Good luck!
  • I run at a baseball field that has a paved walking path around the field. There's a little flat and a slight incline on one side, plus a bench I can keep my water and my dogs water bowl on so we can get drinks on the walking parts. Plus it takes about 3 minutes for me to jog around so when I'm feeling like stopping on my…