resilient_for_Rylen Member


  • I honestly don't think I can eat 5 times a day. I eat breakfast lunch and dinner and as long as I eat enough during those meals I feel great. Occasionally I'll have a snack between lunch and dinner but not very often. I don't really like to feel "full". I've tried all kinds of stupid diets and I feel like I should just use…
  • Maybe I'll start weighing myself weekly instead of daily. The only reason I was doing it daily was because it was good to see so much weight loss every day. Now that it's not so steady it's become more of an obsession than anything. I did measure myself the other day and have already lost 3 inches around my waist which is…
  • Thanks all, that eases my stress. As far as my "strict" eating habits, I actually feel much better without the processed foods and sugars and low carbs, always have. I still give myself a "cheat treat" from time to time but honestly haven't felt deprived of anything at all. I've never been much of a night eater so not…
  • The last straw for me was when I weighed as much as I did two years ago when I gave birth to my full-term baby boy. Granted, I only gained 12 pounds during my pregnancy because I was already overweight to begin with. After I had him I lost close to 50 pounds in 6 months and felt better than ever. Then I moved out of state…