I do
Chandler AZ
Hi there it is definitely possible to bounce back after having csections, I had a client I was training that had 3 c sections and she has made great results. Good luck ladies @noeimkhan and @dashe111
I am! welcome and good luck
yes I get it trust me I am into women of all races, so I have passed up a lot of possible opportunities because I felt there may be an issue due to skin tone and what not. If he is showing some type of interest then just approach him when there is down time and introduce yourself. As a man i can say that is VERY attractive…
its 2015 just talk to him that shouldn't even be a thought in your mind as far as color your a pretty girl have some confidence.
I don't agree with the model that PF stands for yet I think as a business move it is brilliant. In all actuality if someone is insecure and intimidated that is something they need to get over rather than just hiding from. Most gyms that have the huge "meat heads" are usually small private gyms none of those guys train at…
I can't say that I am a member at the type of gym I would like to be apart of but in general I love just seeing people all out at the gym whether they are beginners or advanced just being in the gym for the right reason gotta love it. What about you @MuscleAndMascara
if you are eating the correct amount of calories you WILL gain trust me there is no other way around it, I thought I was eating alot for years and nvr gained much, when I start counting my cals I put on so much weight and alot of muscle. I just found certain foods that i liked and were high cals and i stuck to them. It…
welcome where u from
Arizona friends ?
tempe az
well I watch a number of actual ppl channels mainly bodybuilding channels if ur into a specific style of worming out I ca. recommend u some channels on youtube
plz do lol???
haha good well not srry anymore
lol this is what happens when boredom strikes
Kat kit Kat lol srry I got bored
I watch a lot of youtube fitness pages
ha u basically weeded out all the ways that could help you, I'd say add fruit to ur water have it sit over night. The only one to get through this problem is to just keep drinking even if u don't want to eventually u will be craving water the more u drink, well tht works for me at least. Shouldn't be that hard to clean a…
yeah I get that and I never recommended them often I said for someone like myself whom th ya i get that completely and I wasn't saying eat them daily I said they help full out my cals/macros when I need them I don't enjoy fast food nor many tv dinners but it's life sometimes we have to do what we have to do. They work out…
i keep a few in my freezer they are very useful great macros (of course everyone is going to say its high in sodium so what) they do actually taste good i love the pizza lean cuisines high in protein low in fat. I consume 3800 cals a day so i cant always eat cooked meals so they help. If you have low macros/cals I wouldnt…
please stop calling something medically supervised just because a nutritionist gave you a plan, big difference
What everyone is trying to say is that there is other alts to what you are doing seeing that this could be useless eventually we are not trying to make u feel dumb but truth be told you are just ignorant nothing wrong with that we all have to learn. Nutritionist can be just as knowledgeable as a stranger walking up the…
no i get exactly what your saying im not agreeing to the liquid diet with all do respect to her I think its the dumbest things ive ever heard of and most dangerous. What I was getting at was she made a point saying she tried to eat food and she doesnt lose weight but a liquid diet she says she does lose weight. Now lets…
I experienced gym anxiety when I first got into weight training, and my anxiety was primarily due to me not knowing wth I was doing lol, so i was scared id look dumb and ppl would stare. Go to the gym when its dead learn the machines make a workout plan and just do it. TBH 99% of ppl in the gym don't care what the next…
I don't think the doctor put her on this diet as an actual long term thing. These diets are primarily pre or post surgery procedures. It wouldn't make since to be on a liquid diet for long term when you can eat and actually be full. If you are eating the proper foods, you will get same nutrients, same macros, same cals.…
what were you doing previously to lose weight? How much do you weight (if you dont mind telling)