sarahmgetsfit Member


  • Hey Sydsid, you can do this and you're not alone. We're all here, striving to be healthier versions of ourselves. You took that first step and acknowledged your weight. That is so brave. You can do this. We have your back. :)
  • You look terrific! Congrats on your success! Seeing this post makes me feel more motivated. Thanks for sharing it.
  • Great to hear your previous success story, Reyesmi! My doctor suspects I have some type of liver disease. I'm really hoping that I don't but my numbers are pretty high. Do you know if certain foods can impact the results of my liver enzymes? Sarah
  • Given your weight, dropping your calories to 1700 should cause some weight loss. If it's been longer than 2 weeks and you're accurately recording your exercise and food intake, then you may have an underlying medical condition. A medical condition like a thyroid disorder or damage to the adrenal glands can make it…