I'm having the same issues! I noticed mine started acting up yesterday evening. Only tracked/synced half of the day. I've tried everything, logged out, uninstalled, and reinstalled etc. I sent MFP an email this morning about this, hopefully they can fix the issue soon.
As far as an eating plan, I didn't really follow any particular diet, which of I had I probably would've had extremely better results lol.. I simply cut certain things out completely ex:(soda/any carbonated high sugar drinks) and cut back on portions and fast food? Nope only occasionally lol.. Also cut back on the amount…
I never freeze it.. Well it never lasts long in my house.. Lol But hey some people choose to..
Yum!! I think I'll have some of what you're talking about!!
It's just so yummy!!!!
Definitely going to have to try making this!! Thanks Sounds awesome!!
Yes it is delicious!! I'm addicted too.. Also is it weird that I enjoy drinking the juice from it?!? I love it!! Hahahahaha.. Might make some cringe, but I find it quite tasty..
Just thought I'd share a pic!!
It's not as much as it seems.. Lol Time consuming to make so I make it in bulk.. It keeps well and can also be
Yes I know it's seems like a lot but once gutted and diced it's really not as much, and of course since its time consuming to make, I like to make it in bulk to last a It keeps really good you can also freeze it if you'd like
Not really sure, as it wasn't mentioned on the site I found the recipe on.. Although here's the nutritional value of a similar recipe from another site....hope this helps.. Calories 231 Fat 9 g Satfat 4 g Protein 16 g Carbohydrate 25 g Fiber 9 g Cholesterol 17 mg Sodium 364 mg
Hahahahaha.. Took awhile before I saw the cat!! :D
I was just goofing off and thought I'd share my silliness..
darkrose20 Oh yes! The cheese sauce was amazing!! And so simple.. I was surprised at how good it was!! It's a must try.. Even if it's just the sauce :p :)
Here's one I just tried the other day.. I loved it.. Baked potatoes and broccoli.. • 4 russet potatoes quartered • 1 tbsp olive oil • 14 oz Broccoli Florets (fresh or frozen) • 2tbsp Butter • 2tbsp Flour • ¼ tsp dry mustard powder • 1 Cup Milk • 1½ cups Sharp shredded Cheese • Salt and Pepper 1- Preheat oven to 400° and…
Going to keep pushing.. Got a long journey ahead!!
So far I've been pretty consistent.. I've been doing Insanity for six weeks now and I've lost eighteen pounds, but still have quite a bit to go.. I've just started with keeping track of my calorie intake and drinking nutrition shakes.. So fingers crossed and let's see how it goes...
Hello!! And good luck with your journey!!