dkstevens327 Member


  • Thank you all! :smiley:
  • I've never used a crock pot. The women in my family (& my son's, e.g. his dad's side) don't (or shouldn't lol) cook. The men do and are good! My son's dad put about 50lbs on me in a year. Then I got pregnant & added 70! I lost about 30 on frosting & Bolthouse farms juices, but I was on an infants schedule -- sleeping when…
  • Awesome to find others with fibro!!!! (Well, not awesome that y'all have it...) I'm looking for friends, buy especially those who understand that I can't do a lot of these exercises and NO it's not an excuse. I've also got hypothyroidism, herniated discs, blah blah. Fibro always brings along friends lol
  • Hey! I'm L3-5 lol oh, forgot the anxiety (but it doesn't forget me!) I'm going to try clicking your name re friend request *fingers crossed*
  • Hi! I'm disabled, too (hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, 3 herniated discs in the lumbar spine). I have a 10 year old son, but as I'm an ovo-lacto vegetarian and want him to eat meat (at least until he's grown, then he can choose), so I'm making two separate meals. And I'm having problems finding exercises I can do that won't…