Cooking for one

Been on MFP 21 days and have lost 4 pounds...I weighed 182 when I began tracking my calories and need to get back to 135...I am disabled and unable to exercise at this time. ..looking for friends for encouragement and new ideas and recipes for cooking for just one!


  • dkstevens327
    dkstevens327 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I'm disabled, too (hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, 3 herniated discs in the lumbar spine). I have a 10 year old son, but as I'm an ovo-lacto vegetarian and want him to eat meat (at least until he's grown, then he can choose), so I'm making two separate meals. And I'm having problems finding exercises I can do that won't cause more harm!
    I saw your post & thought, wow, she'll make a great dieting partner! I just got this app, a nd while I do walk a lot, I'm not thrilled with the exercise section.
    Can i send you a friend request? (Assuming I van figure it out lol)
  • over50sassy
    over50sassy Posts: 12 Member
    Yes please (and tell me how to send one when you figure it out) so glad to have a friend similar to my situation . ..I suffer from hypertension, fybromyalgia IBS depression anxiety and bulging disc from L4 to L7 and more. Any encouragement is greatly appreciated!
  • dkstevens327
    dkstevens327 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! I'm L3-5 lol oh, forgot the anxiety (but it doesn't forget me!) I'm going to try clicking your name re friend request *fingers crossed*
  • mlt1596
    mlt1596 Posts: 14 Member
    I personally love any crock pot recipe lol. You can plan your meals ahead of time and do freezer meals so it's quick and simple. Pinterest is amazing for ideas.
  • over50sassy
    over50sassy Posts: 12 Member
    Live love love Pinterest and my crockpot...try to plan ahead but usually change my mind! Would like to be your friend!
  • over50sassy
    over50sassy Posts: 12 Member
    Hey! I'm L3-5 lol oh, forgot the anxiety (but it doesn't forget me!) I'm going to try clicking your name re friend request *fingers crossed*

  • over50sassy
    over50sassy Posts: 12 Member
    Did you click the right tab...I can't figure it out...never been on a group site before!
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    A great way to set yourself up for success is to make the full recipe that feeds 2-4 ppl and just freeze the rest for a later time. This way you always have something healthy on hand. Hope this helps.
  • dkstevens327
    dkstevens327 Posts: 7 Member
    I've never used a crock pot. The women in my family (& my son's, e.g. his dad's side) don't (or shouldn't lol) cook. The men do and are good! My son's dad put about 50lbs on me in a year. Then I got pregnant & added 70! I lost about 30 on frosting & Bolthouse farms juices, but I was on an infants schedule -- sleeping when he did -- so didn't need many calories.
    To the point: I'm on a tight budget, but what should I look for in a crock pot? Or is it like a rice maker -- as long as it works, it's good?
    I'm on Pinterest. If not this name, try "DeeKat327".
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I am single and I make a lot of meals in my crock pot, typically 4-6 servings. I eat two or three servings, then freeze the rest in single serving packages. When the freezer gets full, I heat and eat what has been stored and will have a week or more where I don't have to cook.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I am sort of disabled (autism). I cook fresh for one every day, or for two days if soup or casserole. I have started to love cooking. I don't use a lot of recipes, I just combine starch, meat/fish and vegetables that I like. I've lost 44 pounds and been maintaining since around October.