ceg82 Member


  • Sorry to hear you had a rough workout, though it sounds to me like you still got a fair amount done. I'm not yet at peri menopause but I do notice that I often have a day or two where I feel weak around my period. Stupid hormones :-p
  • I'm a big fan of Trident gum personally. It seems to do the job on my coffee breath, so I imagine it should work for tuna too.
  • I switch out the regular pasta in casserole recipes for a lower calories version made by Fiber Gourmet. It tastes pretty much the same to me, though I will warn you that it is very high in fiber so go easy on the portions if you're not used to a lot of fiber in your diet.
  • Thanks for all the feedback, I will have to try a bunch of them :) I was asking about milk because as it is I don't put any syrups or anything in the latte, my only sweetener in that is one packet of Splenda. I do get that milk is not super high carb, but as I recall from when I had Gestational diabetes, we are more…
  • Congrats! For the first few months, switching to maintenance calories (if you aren't already there) should be enough. You don't need much extra food at first & lots of women feel too sick to eat much anyway. You do need to add some extra calories for the second & third trimesters, I would ask your doctor for advice about…
  • Peanut butter is great, no refrigeration needed and pairs well with apples, celery, crackers etc. Alternatively, beef jerky is high protein/low fat, though it's usually high sodium too, so that may or may not be a good choice for you.